
The nextdaylightsavingstimetransition( function returns the next date on which a transition to or from daylight savings time occurs.


This function has two parameters:

timezone – geographic area to check.

date – transition must occur after this date – this allows you to check transition dates far into the future. This parameter is optional – if omitted, today’s date will be used.


This function returns the next date on which a transition to or from daylight savings time occurs. For example, this formula displays the start and end of Daylight Savings Time in 2021 in the local time zone.

"Daylight savings time begins on "+
datepattern(nextdaylightsavingstimetransition("",datevalue(2021,1,1)),"Month ddnth, YYYY")+
" and ends on "+
datepattern(nextdaylightsavingstimetransition("",datevalue(2021,6,1)),"Month ddnth, YYYY")+"."

Here in California, the result would be:

Daylight savings time begins on March 14th, 2021 and ends on November 7th, 2021.

Note: If the specified time zone doesn’t use Daylight Savings Time, the function will return zero. For example, Arizona always uses standard time, so this formula will always return zero.

nextdaylightsavingstimetransition("Phoenix") ☞ 0

See Also


10.2NewNew in this version