
The tagstrip( function removes tags (usually HTML tags) from within a piece of text.


This function has three parameters:

text – is the item of text that contains the tags you want to strip out.

header – is the text that you want to use as a tag header. For example, if you want to strip out all HTML tags, use "<" as the header. If you wanted to strip out bold text you would use "<B>" as the header. (Note: Upper or lower case is ignored, so "<b>" will also work.)

trailer – is the text that you want to use as a tag trailer. For example, if you want to strip out all HTML tags, use ">" as the trailer. If you wanted to strip out bold text you would use"</B>" as the trailer. (Note: Upper or lower case is ignored, so "</b>" will also work.)


This function removes tags (usually HTML tags) from within a piece of text. See HTML Tag Parsing for more information on HTML tags. The original text is returned with the specified tags stripped out.

This example strips out all HTML tags from the text.

tagstrip("<b>Now</b> is <i>the time</i>.","<",">") ☞ Now is the time.

This example strips out only IMG tags.

tagstrip("<b>Bob Smith</b> <img src=photoofbob.jpg> <i>in 1998</i>","<img",">")
    ☞ <b>Bob Smith</b>  <i>in 1998</i>

See Also


10.0No ChangeCarried over from Panorama 6.0