
The + operator works differently depending on the type of operands used with it. If both operands are numeric, it does numerical addition. If either operand is text the + operator concatenates (joins together) the two operands.


This operator has two parameters:

value1 – The first numeric or text value.

value2 – The second numeric or text value.


If both operands are numeric, the two operands are added together. If both are integers, the result is also an integer, in this case 4.

2+2 ☞ 4

If either operand is floating point, the result will also be floating point.

2+2.5 ☞ 4.5

If both operands are text they are concatenated together.

"one"+"two" ☞ onetwo

If one operand text and the other is numeric, the numeric operand is converted to text and the two operands are then concatenated.

"zygon"+37 ☞ zygon37

It doesn’t matter which operand is text and which is numeric.

25+" jump street" ☞ 25 jump street

When a numeric value is converted this way, it uses the simplest possible numeric format. If you want to specify a different format use the pattern( function.

"Mega Widget $"+pattern(17,"#.##") ☞ Mega Widget $17.00

Note: If the number represents a date and you want it included as text, use the datepattern( function to convert it to text.

See Also


10.0UpdatedThis operator is carried over from Panorama 6.0, but now automatically converts numbers to text when the operands are mixed.