Panorama 6 included 1,597 statements and functions. As of January 11th, 2023, 1,153 of these statements and functions are working in Panorama X. 426 statements and functions are deprecated, and will not be implemented in Panorama X (these are listed in red below).
The remaining 48 statements and functions are listed in black below. Many of these will eventually be implemented in Panorama X, but some of these items will eventually be deprecated as well. There is no exact schedule for when different statements and functions will be implemented, nor do we know what order these items will be implemented in.
By the way, Panorama X also includes 778 brand new statements and functions (see New), for a total of 1,973.
- abortcheck
- activeresource
- addfielddialog
- addwindowsfont
- alarmdelete
- alarmedit
- alarmreset
- alertmode
- allindex
- analyzedatadialog
- appenddataforktofile
- appendrezforktofile
- appsupportpath(
- arrayclairvoyance
- arraylinebuild
- arrayrightsort
- arrayscan(
- arraysubset
- ascii7to8(
- ascii8to7(
- ascii96(
- attachserver
- autocalc
- backspacekey
- basesixtyfourdecode
- basesixtyfourencode
- baud
- bestfitjpeg
- blankwebform
- blockaborts
- buildreminder
- calccrosstab
- changedefaultprinter
- changepreferencevalues
- changeprinter
- channelsavedictionary
- channelscript
- checkeewebresponse
- checkenglish(
- checkpanoramanews
- checkrawdata(
- checksynchronization
- checkword
- chunkfilter
- chunkfilter(
- clearmenumarks
- cliptopictfile
- closelibrarywindow
- closeresource
- closesound
- closewindowkeepsecret
- continueclose
- convertimage
- cookies
- copyfork
- copyform
- copypartialfork
- curl
- curl(
- currentdatabasecheck
- currentprinter
- currentprinter(
- customalert
- customnumbers
- databaseinfodialog
- databasetogeneric
- datafork
- dbcgiurl(
- dbmetatag(
- dbmetatagclose(
- dbmetatagdictionary(
- dbmetatagopen(
- dbwebpublish(
- deleteresource
- deletewindow
- detachserver
- dial
- dialdesktop
- dialmodem
- dialprinter
- dialvolume
- dragcomplete
- dragdrop
- dragdropdata
- draglistitem
- dragvcard
- dragwithinlist
- drawmenus
- drawobjects
- dropimportvcards
- editselect
- eeclientidnumber(
- eedownloadauxfiles
- eegetdbconfig
- eehostrefresh
- eesetdbconfig
- eeuploadauxfiles
- endsimulate
- ethernetinfo
- ethernetinfo(
- executeeveryminute
- executeeverysecond
- exportvcard
- fedextracking
- fieldmax(
- fieldpropertiesdialog
- fieldsdialog
- fieldstyle(
- filesegmenttodatafork
- filesegmenttorezfork
- filetypecreator
- findallintext
- findwindow(
- fitwindow
- fixed(
- flattenfilevariables
- floatingedit
- font
- fontdialog
- fontusage
- formcomment(
- formcomments
- formcommenttype
- formselect
- formserverlookup