
The getwebcolor( function calculates an RGB color from a Netscape style web color.


This function has two parameters:

webcolor – HTML color, either #RRGGBB or named color (“red”, “blue”, etc., see below for complete list.).

default – default rgb color if the function can’t understand the webcolor.


This function calculates an RGB color from a Netscape style web color.

htmlrgbstr(getwebcolor("blue","")) ☞ 0000FF
htmlrgbstr(getwebcolor("red","")) ☞ FF0000
htmlrgbstr(getwebcolor("blueviolet","")) ☞ 8C29E7
htmlrgbstr(getwebcolor("springgreen","")) ☞  00FF7B 

Here is a list of colornames allowed in the webcolor parameter, along with their HTML RGB values.

lightgoldenrodyellow = FFFFD6
mediumspringgreen = 00FF9C
mediumaquamarine = 63CEAD
mediumslateblue = 7B6BEF
mediumturquoise = 4AD6CE
mediumvioletred = C61084
blanchedalmond = FFEFCE
cornflowerblue = 6394EF
darkolivegreen = 526B29
lightslategray = 738C9C
lightsteelblue = B5C6DE
mediumseagreen = 39B573
darkgoldenrod = BD8408
darkslateblue = 4A398C
darkslategray = 294A4A
darkturquoise = 00CED6
lavenderblush = FFF7F7
lightseagreen = 21B5AD
palegoldenrod = EFEFAD
paleturquoise = ADEFEF
palevioletred = DE7394
antiquewhite = FFEFD6
darkseagreen = 8CBD8C
lemonchiffon = FFFFCE
lightskyblue = 84CEFF
mediumorchid = BD52D6
mediumpurple = 9473DE
midnightblue = 181873
darkmagenta = 8C008C
deepskyblue = 00BDFF
floralwhite = FFFFF7
forestgreen = 218C21
greenyellow = ADFF29
lightsalmon = FFA57B
lightyellow = FFFFE7
navajowhite = FFDEAD
saddlebrown = 8C4210
springgreen = 00FF7B
yellowgreen = 9CCE31
aquamarine = 7BFFD6
blueviolet = 8C29E7
chartreuse = 7BFF00
darkorange = FF8C00
darkorchid = 9C31CE
darksalmon = EF947B
darkviolet = 9400D6
dodgerblue = 1894FF
ghostwhite = FFFFFF
lightcoral = F78484
lightgreen = 94EF94
mediumblue = 0000CE
papayawhip = FFEFD6
powderblue = B5E7E7
sandybrown = F7A563
whitesmoke = F7F7F7
aliceblue = A5CE00
burlywood = DEBD84
cadetblue = 5A9CA5
chocolate = D66B18
darkgreen = 006300
darkkhaki = BDB56B
firebrick = B52121
gainsboro = DEDEDE
goldenrod = DEA521
indianred = CE5A5A
lawngreen = 7BFF00
lightblue = ADDEE7
lightcyan = E7FFFF
lightgrey = D6D6D6
lightpink = FFB5C6
limegreen = 31CE31
mintcream = F7FFFF
mistyrose = FFE7E7
olivedrab = 6B8C21
orangered = FF4200
palegreen = 9CFF9C
peachpuff = FFDEBD
rosybrown = BD8C8C
royalblue = 426BE7
slateblue = 6B5ACE
slategray = 738494
steelblue = 4284B5
turquoise = 42E7D6
cornsilk = FFFFDE
darkblue = 00008C
darkcyan = 008C8C
darkgray = ADADAD
deeppink = FF1094
honeydew = F7FFF7
lavender = E7E7FF
moccasin = FFE7B5
seagreen = 298C52
seashell = FFF7EF
crimson = DE1039
darkred = 8C0000
dimgray = 6B6B6B
fuchsia = FF00FF
hotpink = FF6BB5
magenta = FF00FF
oldlace = FFF7E7
skyblue = 84CEEF
thistle = DEBDDE
bisque = FFE7C6
indigo = 4A0084
maroon = 840000
orange = FFA500
orchid = DE73D6
purple = 840084
salmon = FF8473
sienna = A55229
silver = C6C6C6
tomato = FF6342
violet = EF84EF
yellow = FFFF00
azure = F7FFFF
beige = F7F7DE
black = 000000
brown = A52929
coral = FF7B52
green = 008400
ivory = FFFFF7
khaki = F7E78C
linen = FFF7E7
olive = 848400
wheat = F7DEB5
white = FFFFFF
aqua = 00FFFF
blue = 0000FF
cyan = 00FFFF
gold = FFD600
gray = 848484
lime = 00FF00
navy = 000084
peru = CE8439
pink = FFC6CE
plum = DEA5DE
snow = FFFFFF
teal = 008484
red = FF0000
tan = D6B58C

Note: This function is now obsolete, the newer htmlcolor( function is much faster and should be used in all new applications.

See Also


10.0No ChangeCarried over from Panorama 6.0