
The info(“colornames”) function returns a list of color names that can be used as a text object background and with the htmlcolor( function.


This function returns a carriage return delimited list of color names that can be used as a text object background (see Text Object Background Color/Gradient)and with the htmlcolor( function.

For example, this formula will return a list of available blue colors:

replace(arraystrip(arrayfilter(info("colornames"),cr(),{?(import() contains "blue",import(),"")}),cr()),cr(),", ")

At the time this documentation list was written, there were 20 available blue colors:

lightsteelblue, royalblue, dodgerblue, powderblue, darkslateblue, blue, aliceblue, cadetblue, lightblue, midnightblue, mediumblue, steelblue, blueviolet, cornflowerblue, darkblue, deepskyblue, mediumslateblue, skyblue, slateblue, lightskyblue

See Also


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