
The arraynotcontains( function is the reverse of arraycontains(. it returns false if the value is in the array, true if it is not in the array.


This function has three parameters:

array – the text array to be searched (see Text Arrays).

value – the value to search for.

separator – the separator character or characters for this array (omit this parameter for data arrays).


This function is the reverse of arraycontains(. It returns false if the value is in the array, true if it is not in the array.

arraynotcontains("Red;Green;Blue","Green",";") ☞ 0 (false)
arraynotcontains("Red;Green;Blue","Yellow",";") ☞ -1 (true)

See Text Arrays for more information about arrays.

Note: This function is equivalent to:

(not arraycontains(thearray,thevalue,thesep))

Working with a Data Array

This function works with both data and text arrays. Because Data Arrays have no separators between elements, the separator parameter is omitted when targeting a data array.

Suppose we have a data array, myDataArray, defined as below (noting that a data array can contain text, numeric, binary and other data types):

myDataArray = dataarray("Bob",123,3.14159,"Green")


arraynotcontains(myDataArray,5) ☞ -1 (true)
arraynotcontains(myDataArray,123) ☞ 0 (false)

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0 but more than one character is now allowed for use as the separator parameter