
The zoomwindowrectangle statement modifies the size, location, and options of the current window.


This statement has two parameters:

rectangle – defines the new size and location of the window. Most procedures will use the rectangle( or rectanglesize( functions to create this rectangle.

options – is an item of text that optionally contains keywords that turn off elements of the window. If the text contains NoToolBar (or NoPalette), the window will not have a tool bar. If the text contains NoScroll then the window will not have any scroll bars. If the text contains NoVerticalScroll, the window will not have a vertical scroll bar (this can also be abbreviated as novscroll or novertscroll). If the text contains NoHorizontalScroll, the window will not have a horizontal scroll bar (this can also be abbreviated as nohscroll or nohorzscroll). A procedure may combine several options separated by spaces. If the option text is empty (“”) the window will appear normal (the parameter can also be completely omitted, which also results in normal window appearance). Note: The keywords may be in either upper or lower case, for example, any of the keywords notoolbar, NoToolBar or NOTOOLBAR will eliminate the tool bar.


This statement specifies new dimensions (size and location) for the current window It can also specify window options, for example whether the tool bar or scroll bars should be included in the window.

The procedure below moves the current window 10 points down and to the right.

local newWindowRect
newWindowRect=rectangleadjust( info("windowrectangle"),10,10,10,10)
zoomwindowrectangle newWindowRect

The procedure below moves the current window to a 3 inch by 4 inch box centered on the main screen, with no tool bar.

local newWindowRect
zoomwindowrectangle newWindowRect,"notoolbar"

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0. In Panorama 6.0 and earlier the keyword nopalette was used to disable the tool palette, now the keyword notoolbar can also be used (nopalette still works). In Panorama 6.0 and earlier the vertical and horizontal scroll bars had to be disabled separately. This can still be done, but you can also simply specify noscrollbars to disabled both the horizonatal and vertical scroll bars. In Panorama 6.0 and earlier the options parameter was required, now it is optional and will default to `""` if omitted. Note: The zoomwindow statement no longer opens a new window if the options have changed, instead, the current window is modified.