
The undefine statement destroys one or more variables.


This statement has one parameter:

variables – is a list of variables to be destroyed. Each variable should be separated from the next by a comma. If a variable name contains spaces or punctuation, or begins with any character except a letter or underscore, it should be surrounded by chevron (« ») characters.


This statement destroys one or more variables. The variables may be have been created with the local, windowglobal, fileglobal or global statements, or any combination. Destroying a variable completely removes it as if it had never been created in the first place. If the variable does not already exist, undefine does nothing and does not generate an error.

The example destroys two variables, Counter and Operating Ratio.

undefine Counter, «Operating Ratio»

Before you undefine a permenent variable you should make it unpermanent, like this:

unpermanent timeStamp
undefine timeStamp

See Also


10.0No ChangeCarried over from Panorama 6.0.