
The sendaction statement sends an action message to the Cocoa responder chain.


This statement has one parameter:

action – is the name of the action to be sent. This action name must be spelled exactly, including upper/lower case and any colons.


The sendaction statement sends an internal message to the Objective-C code inside Panorama. This is the same mechanism Cocoa menus use to trigger actions within the program. (Technical note: If you are an Objective-C programmer, this statement sends a message to the responder chain. See Apple’s Cocoa Event Handling Guide for detailed information on this topic.)

The action messages that can be sent can vary depending on what window is open, what item is being edited, etc. Here are some typical action messages.

sendaction "performZoom:" ☞ zooms the current window
sendaction "arrangeInFront:" ☞ bring all Panorama windows forward
sendaction "runToolbarCustomizationPalette:" ☞ open the toolbar customization sheet for the current window
sendaction "toggleToolbarShown:" ☞ hide or show the toolbar in the current window
sendaction "runPageLayout:" ☞ opens the Page Setup dialog
sendaction "print:" ☞ opens the Print dialog
sendaction "clearRecentDocuments:" ☞ clear the Recent menu
sendaction "hide:" ☞ hide Panorama
sendaction "hideOtherApplications:" ☞ hide everything else

Note: This statement has been implemented for internal use by ProVUE Development. Use of this statement is unsupported (go ahead, but don’t ask any questions if you have a problem!).

Error Messages

SendAction error: No receiver for NAME action – This error occurs if the action is not currently valid.

See Also


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