All of the functions supported in Panorama formulas are listed below:
- ?( -- The ?( function allows a formula to make a true/false, yes/no decision.
- abs( -- The abs( function calculates the absolute value of a number.
- adjustservervariable( -- The adjustservervariable( function adjusts the value of a server variable. This is an "atomic" operation, so it is multi-user friendly.
- adjustxy( -- The adjustxy( function adjusts the four corners of a rectangle. However, only corners that are inside a boundary are adjusted. Corners outside the boundary are left alone.
- after( -- The after( function extracts all text after a specified tag (sequence of characters).
- age( -- The age( function calculates a person's current age (in years) from their birthdate.
- aggregate( -- The aggregate( function calculates an aggregate (sum (total), count, minimum, maximum or average) by scanning specified records in a database.
- aliaspath( -- The aliaspath( function returns the path an alias points to (or an error if the specified file isn't an alias).
- alpha( -- The alpha( function extracts the alpha (opacity) from a color.
- alphabeticnumber( -- The alphabeticnumber( function converts a number into letters: A, B, C, etc.
- appenddataarrays( -- The appenddataarrays( function appends two or more data arrays to each other (see Data Arrays).
- appendluhncheckdigit( -- The appendluhncheckdigit( function adds a Luhn check digit to a series of digits.
- applescript( -- The applescript( function executes AppleScript source code and returns the result.
- applescriptconstant( -- The applescriptconstant( function converts an expression into an AppleScript literal.
- applescriptstring( -- The applescriptstring( function converts text into an AppleScript string literal.
- arccos( -- The arccos( function calculates the inverse cosine of a numeric value.
- arccosh( -- The arccosh( function calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a numeric value.
- archivecontents( -- The archivecontents( function lists the contents of a compressed archive in *.zip*, *.tar.gz* or *.tar.bz2* format.
- arcsin( -- The arcsin( function calculates the inverse sine of a numeric value.
- arcsinh( -- The arcsinh( function calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a numeric value.
- arctan( -- The arctan( function calculates the inverse tangent of a numeric value.
- arctanh( -- The arctanh( function calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a numeric value.
- array( -- The array( function extracts a single data item from a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arrayboth( -- The arrayboth( function creates a new array from two arrays. The new array contains only items that are in both of the original arrays.
- arraybuild( -- The arraybuild( function builds an array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every record (including invisible records) in the database (see Text Arrays).
- arraychange( -- The arraychange( function changes the value of a single data item in a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arraycolumn( -- The arraycolumn( function extracts a column from a two dimensional array.
- arraycommonprefix( -- The arraycommonprefix( function finds the common prefix (if any) of all items in an array.
- arraycontains( -- The arraycontains( function checks to see if any element of a text array or a data array matches a specified value.
- arraydeduplicate( -- The arraydeduplicate( function removes duplicate elements from a text array (see Text Arrays).
- arraydelete( -- The arraydelete( function deletes (removes) one or more elements from a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arraydeletevalue( -- The arraydeletevalue( function deletes any array elements that match the value parameter. This must be an exact match, including upper and lower case. If the value occurs multiple times in the array, every occurence of the value will be removed, with one exception: if the value occurs in two consecutive array elements, only the first occurence will be deleted.
- arraydifference( -- The arraydifference( function creates a new array from two existing text arrays. The new array contains only items that are in the first array but not in the second array.
- arrayelement( -- The arrayelement( function converts between character positions and array element numbers in a text array.
- arrayfilter( -- The arrayfilter( function processes each element of a text array or a data array with a formula (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arrayfirst( -- The arrayfirst( function extracts the first element of a text array.
- arrayhack( -- The arrayhack( function hacks an array by adding, replacing or removing array elements
- arrayinsert( -- The arrayinsert( function inserts one or more empty elements into the middle of a text array (see [Text Arrays]).
- arrayitemsandwich( -- The arrayitemsandwich( function adds a prefix and/or suffix to each non-blank item in a text array.
- arrayitemtrim( -- The arrayitemtrim( function removes characters from the beginning and/or end of each item in an array.
- arraylast( -- The arraylast( function extracts the last element of an array.
- arraylefttrim( -- The arraylefttrim( function removes one or more elements from the beginning of an array.
- arraylookup( -- The arraylookup( function uses a key to look up a value in a two dimensional text array containing key/value pairs (see Text Arrays).
- arraymenuitems( -- The arraymenuitems( function converts a carriage return delimited array into a series of menu items.
- arraymerge( -- The arraymerge( function merges two text arrays together (see [Text Arrays]).
- arraymultisort( -- The arraymultisort( function sorts a two-dimensional array on the key of one or more of its columns.
- arraynotcontains( -- The arraynotcontains( function is the reverse of arraycontains(. it returns false if the value is in the array, true if it is not in the array.
- arraynumericsort( -- The arraynumericsort( function sorts a text array in numeric order (see Text Arrays).
- arraynumerictotal( -- The arraynumerictotal( function totals all the numeric elements of a text array.
- arrayrandomize( -- The arrayrandomize( function reorders an array in random order.
- arrayrange( -- The arrayrange( function extracts a series of data items from a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arrayrelocate( -- The arrayrelocate( function moves one or more items to a new position in a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arrayreplacevalue( -- The arrayreplacevalue( function changes array elements that match a specified value.
- arrayreverse( -- The arrayreverse( function reverses the order of the elements in a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arrayreverselookup( -- The arrayreverselookup( function uses a value to look up a key in a two dimensional text array containing key/value pairs (see Text Arrays).
- arraysearch( -- The arraysearch( function searches a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays) to see if it contains a specific value.
- arrayselectedbuild( -- The arrayselectedbuild( function builds an array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every visible (selected) record in the database (see Text Arrays).
- arraysize( -- The arraysize( function returns the number of elements in a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arraysort( -- The arraysort( function alphabetizes (A-Z) the elements in a text array (see [Text Arrays]).
- arraystrip( -- The arraystrip( function removes any blank elements from a text array or a data array (see Text Arrays and Data Arrays).
- arraytableceiling( -- The arraytableceiling( function looks up a value in a double column table, similar to the table( function but from an array instead of a database.
- arraytablefloor( -- The arraytablefloor( function looks up a value in a double column table, similar to the table( function but from an array instead of a database.
- arraytopythonlist( -- The arraytopythonlist( function converts a Panorama array into a Python list.
- arraytrim( -- The arraytrim( function removes one or more elements from the end of an array.
- arrayunpropagate( -- The arrayunpropagate( function scans an array from top to bottom, removing duplicate values in a row.
- asc( -- The asc( function converts the first character of a text string into a number from 0 to 65535 based on Unicode encoding.
- assign( -- The assign( function assigns a value to a field or variable, also returning the value.
- assignglobal( -- The assignglobal( function assigns a value to a global variable (creating the variable if necessary).
- automaticfieldname( -- The automaticfieldname( function returns an available field name.
- automaticformname( -- The automaticformname( function returns an available form name.
- automaticprocedurename( -- The automaticprocedurename( function returns an available procedure name.
- batchreplace( -- The batchreplace( function performs multiple find/replace operations on a piece of text.
- before( -- The before( function extracts all text before a specified tag (sequence of characters). If the tag doesn't exist the function returns "".
- bestfitrectangle( -- The bestfitrectangle( function fits a rectangle within a boundary rectangle, enlarging or reducing as necessary to produce the best fit without changing the proportions.
- between( -- The between( function checks to see if a value is between two other values.
- bigendian( -- The bigendian( function returns true if Panorama is running on a "big endian" processor
- bigendianbinaryvalue( -- The bigendianbinaryvalue( function converts big endian binary data (a byte, word, or longword) into an unsigned number (see Binary Data).
- binarydatabuild( -- The binarydatabuild( function builds a binary value by scanning a database and assembling individual binary values for every record (including unselected records) in the database.
- binarytotext( -- The binarytotext( function converts binary data into text, optionally using a specified encoding.
- binaryvalue( -- The binaryvalue( function converts binary data (a byte, word, longword, or longlongword) into a number (see Binary Data).
- bit( -- The bit( function converts a bit number (1 to 64) into a number (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.)
- black( -- The black( function returns black as a Panorama color value (see Colors).
- blindposixscript( -- The blindposixscript( function executes a POSIX shell script using NSTask and returns the process id.
- blue( -- The blue( function extracts the blue intensity from a color.
- bonjour( -- The bonjour( function returns a list of available hosts.
- bonjourserversenabled( -- The bonjourserversenabled( function returns true if client access to bounjour servers (on local network) is enabled.
- bookmarkpath( -- The bookmarkpath( function converts saved bookmark data (from the filebookmark( function) into a standard file path.
- booleanvalue( -- The booleanvalue( function converts a numeric or text value to Boolean (true/false).
- boolstr( -- The boolstr( function converts a Boolean value to text, either `"true"` or `"false"`.
- brightness( -- The brightness( function extracts the brightness from a color.
- bundleresourcepath( -- The bundleresourcepath( function returns the file path and name of a specified item in the Panorama application bundle.
- byte( -- The byte( function converts a number into a single byte of binary data (see Binary Data).
- bytearray( -- The bytearray( function extracts a value from an array of bytes (see [Binary Data]).
- bytepattern( -- The bytepattern( function converts a byte count to text: 543 Bytes, 543 Kb, 123 Mb, 3.2 Gb
- cache( -- The cache( function stores a value in a temporary variable.
- calendardate( -- The calendardate( function helps in creating monthly calendars.
- calendarday( -- The calendarday( function helps in creating monthly calendars.
- call( -- The call( function allows a procedure to be called as a subroutine within a formula and return a result.
- calledby( -- The calledby( function returns true if this function is in code called by the specified database, the specified procedure, or both.
- callerslocalvariablevalue( -- The callerslocalvariablevalue( function allows a subroutine to access a local variable in the procedure that called it.
- callingdatabase( -- The callingdatabase( function returns the name of the database that called this procedure as a subroutine, if any.
- callingprocedure( -- The callingprocedure( function returns the name of the procedure that called this procedure as a subroutine, if any.
- callwithin( -- The callwithin( function allows a "mini-procedure" to be called as a subroutine within a formula and return a result.
- callwithindatabase( -- The callwithindatabase( function returns true if the current procedure was called by another procedure in the same database, false if it was called by a procedure in another database.
- cardexpirevalidate( -- The cardexpirevalidate( function checks the validity of a credit card expiration date.
- cardtype( -- The cardtype( function returns the credit card type (American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Discover).
- cardvalidate( -- The cardvalidate( function verifies that a number is a valid credit card number.
- catcherror( -- The catcherror( function evaluates an expression, but suppresses any error generated by that expression.
- ceil( -- The ceil( function converts a number to an integer, truncating toward positive infinity.
- cgilink( -- The cgilink( function creates a domain independent URL for another CGI action on the same server.
- cgilinknewwindow( -- The cgilinknewwindow( function creates a domain independent link for another CGI action on the same server that opens a new browser window.
- cginavlink( -- The cginavlink( function creates a domain-independent navigation link for the current record in this database.
- cginavlinknewwindow( -- The cginavlinknewwindow( function creates a domain-independent navigation link (to a new browser window) for the current record in this database.
- changedictionaryvalues( -- The changedictionaryvalues( function changes one or more values in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- channelactivemodule( -- The channelactivemodule( function returns the currently active module for a channel, if any.
- channelinformation( -- The channelinformation( function returns information about a specified channel.
- channelmodules( -- The channelmodules( function returns a list of available modules for a specified channel type.
- channelpath( -- The channelpath( function returns the path of a specified channel module.
- channeltypes( -- The channeltypes( function returns a list of available channel types.
- characterfilter( -- The characterfilter( function scans and filters text on a character by character basis.
- chararray( -- The chararray( function extracts a single character from text.
- chart( -- The chart( function converts a table of data into an HTML page with a chart (bar, line, pie, etc.).
- checkedarraymenuitems( -- The checkedarraymenuitems( function converts a carriage return delimited array into a series of menu items, some of which may be checked.
- checkedmenuitem( -- The checkedmenuitem( function creates a single menu item with an optional checkmark.
- checkserverconnection( -- The checkserverconnection( function checks to see if the specified server is connected.
- chevronquoted( -- The chevronquoted( function adds « » quotes to text if necessary to make it a legal Panorama token.
- chr( -- The chr( function converts a number into a single character of text, based on Unicode encoding.
- chunkarray( -- The chunkarray( function extracts a binary "chunk" from binary data (see Binary Data).
- city( -- The city( function looks up the name of a city associated with a US zip code.
- cityzip( -- The cityzip( function returns the lowest zip code associated with a city.
- cityzips( -- The cityzips( function returns a list of zip codes associated with a city.
- classicdictionaryvalue( -- The classicdictionaryvalue( function returns the value of an item in the dictionary, given its key (see Data Dictionaries). Unlike getdictionaryvalue(, this function does not treat keys as case sensitive.
- clipboard( -- The clipboard( function returns whatever text is currently on the computer's clipboard.
- clipboardimagesize( -- The clipboardimagesize( function returns the dimensions of whatever image is currently on the computer's clipboard.
- cloakeddatabasename( -- The cloakeddatabasename( function converts the regular "uncloaked" database name into the internal "mangled" name used on the server.
- commalist( -- The commalist( function converts a text array (see Text Arrays) into an English list, with items separated by a comma and a space, except for the last two items which are separated by the word and and spaces.
- commastr( -- The commastr( function converts a number to text, with a comma every third digit. The number is converted as an integer, with no decimal point.
- commatocr( -- The commatocr( function converts a comma delimited array into a carriage return delimited array.
- commonpath( -- The commonpath( function returns the path for common folders (desktop, library, documents, pictures, etc.).
- completedatestr( -- The completedatestr( function converts a date to text, spelling out the month and including the day of the week.
- computermacid( -- The computermacid( function returns the primary MAC address for this computer.
- concatenate( -- The concatenate( function concatenates two text strings (same as the + operator).
- connect( -- The connect( function appends a prefix and suffix together with a connector in between.
- constant( -- The constant( function converts an expression into a constant value (that can be plugged into a new formula).
- constantvalue( -- The constantvalue( function converts a field or variable into an equivalent constant value.
- converttimezone( -- The converttimezone( function converts a time or superdate from one time zone to another.
- copynewerfile( -- The copynewerfile( function copies a file to another name or location. However, the file is only copied if it is newer than the old file, otherwise the destination is not touched.
- copypartialdictionary( -- The copypartialdictionary( function partially copies a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- cos( -- The cos( function calculates the cosine of an angle.
- cosh( -- The cosh( function calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a numeric value.
- count( -- The count( function counts all non-empty instances of a line item field in the current record.
- countsummaries( -- The countsummaries( function counts summary records.
- county( -- The county( function returns the name of the county associated with a US zip code.
- cr( -- The cr( function generates a carriage return.
- crlf( -- The crlf( function generates a carriage return line feed.
- crosstab( -- The crosstab( function converts information in a database into a crosstab table (tab delimited text).
- crtolf( -- The crtolf( function converts carriage returns into linefeeds.
- crtovtab( -- The crtovtab( function converts carrige returns (ASCII 0x0D) into vertical tabs (ASCII 0x0B).
- csvexportline( -- The csvexportline( function generates a comma delimited line of data containing all the fields in the current record.
- csvexportlinevisiblecells( -- The csvexportlinevisiblecells( function generates a comma delimited line of data containing all the visible (non hidden) fields in the current record.
- csvquoted( -- The csvquoted( function adds quotes if necessary for CSV text (RFC 4180).
- csvtotsv( -- The csvtotsv( function converts comma separated text into tab separated text.
- custompluralpattern( -- The custompluralpattern( function converts a number to text using a pattern, making customizable adjustments for pluralization.
- customstatementdatabase( -- The customstatementdatabase( function returns the name of the library database that defines a custom statement.
- dataarray( -- The dataarray( function creates a data array from zero or more separate values (see Data Arrays).
- dataarrayappend( -- The dataarrayappend( function appends one or more values to the end of an existing array.
- dataarraybuild( -- The dataarraybuild( function builds a data array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every record (including invisible records) in the database (see Data Arrays).
- dataarrayinsert( -- The dataarrayinsert( function inserts one or more values into the middle of an existing array.
- dataarrayselectedbuild( -- The dataarrayselectedbuild( function builds a data array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every visible record in the database (see Data Arrays).
- datatype( -- The datatype( function determines what kind of data is in a field or variable: text, number, etc.
- datavalue( -- The datavalue( function returns the value of a field or variable: text, number, etc.
- date( -- The date( function converts text into a number representing a date.
- datepattern( -- The datepattern( function converts a number representing a date into text. The function uses a pattern to control how the date is formatted (see Date Patterns).
- datestr( -- The datestr( function converts a date to text using format mm/dd/yy.
- datevalue( -- The datevalue( function converts integer values for year, month and day into a number representing a date.
- daylightsavingstimeoffset( -- The daylightsavingstimeoffset( function returns the current daylight saving time offset of the specified time zone.
- dayofweek( -- The dayofweek( function computes the day of the week, with Sunday being 0, Monday 1, etc.
- daystr( -- The daystr( function converts a date to the day of the week (for example Sunday).
- dayvalue( -- The dayvalue( function extracts the day from a date as a numeric value.
- dbcheckopen( -- The dbcheckopen( function returns true if the specified database is currently open, false if it is not.
- dbconstructormenu( -- The dbconstructormenu( function used internally by ProVUE
- dbfolder( -- The dbfolder( function returns the folder path of the folder the current database is located in.
- dbinfo( -- The dbinfo( function gets information about a database: what forms it contains, what fields, what flash art pictures, etc.
- dbname( -- The dbname( function returns the name of the current database.
- dbpath( -- The dbpath( function returns the HFS path of the folder the current database is located in.
- dbserverdomain( -- The dbserverdomain( function returns the server domain for the database.
- dbsubfolder( -- The dbsubfolder( function returns the path of a subfolder within the same folder as the current database.
- decodebase64( -- The decodebase64( function decodes data using Base64.
- decrypt( -- The decrypt( function decrypts data.
- defaulttext( -- The defaulttext( function returns a text value, or returns a default value if the text value is empty ("").
- degrees2radians( -- The degrees2radians( function converts an angle from degrees to radians.
- degreestoradians( -- The degreestoradians( function converts an angle from degrees into radians
- deletedictionaryvalue( -- The deletedictionaryvalue( function deletes one or more key/value pairs from a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- devbuild( -- The devbuild( function always returns false in production copies of Panorama.
- dictionaryassignmentscode( -- The dictionaryassignmentscode( function returns code that can be used to take the values in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries) and assign them to fields or variables based on the dictionary keys.
- dictionaryfromarray( -- The dictionaryfromarray( function builds a new dictionary and initializes it from a two dimensional text array (see Data Dictionaries and Text Arrays).
- dictionaryfromvariables( -- The dictionaryfromvariables( function builds a new dictionary and initializes it from a list of variables (carriage return delimited).
- dictionaryvalueexists( -- The dictionaryvalueexists( function returns true or false depending on whether or not a key/value pair exists in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- divzero( -- The divzero( function divides two numbers, returns zero if denominator is zero.
- divzeroerror( -- The divzeroerror( function divides two numbers, returns an error if the denominator is zero.
- dollarsandcents( -- The dollarsandcents( function converts a number to text formatted as dollars and cents.
- doubleclick( -- The doubleclick( function returns true if the mouse has been double clicked.
- dumpdictionary( -- The dumpdictionary( function returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries).
- dumpdictionaryquoted( -- The dumpdictionaryquoted( function returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries). The text values are quoted.
- dumpdictionarysource( -- The dumpdictionarysource( function returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries). The keys and values are quoted so that they could be used to re-assemble the dictionary with the initializedictionary( function.
- emojicheats( -- The emojicheats( function abbreviates any emojis with "emoji cheat" codes.
- emptycell( -- The emptycell( function returns true if the specified field is empty in the current record.
- emptydatabase( -- The emptydatabase( function returns true if the current database is completely blank.
- emptyline( -- The emptyline( function returns true if the entire current record (all fields) is blank, otherwise it is false.
- emptylineitemnumber( -- The emptylineitemnumber( function returns the numeric suffix of the first matching line item field that is empty (if any).
- enclosingfolder( -- The enclosingfolder( function takes a full path and filename and returns the name of the folder that contains the file.
- enclosingpath( -- The enclosingpath( function takes a full path and filename and returns the path of the folder that contains the file.
- encodebase64( -- The encodebase64( function encodes data using Base64.
- encodehttppostdata( -- The encodehttppostdata( function converts a dictionary into HTTP post data.
- encodeurlfragment( -- The encodeurlfragment( function encodes text so that it can be used in the fragment portion of a URL (the portion after the # symbol).
- encodeurlhost( -- The encodeurlhost( function encodes text so that it can be used in the host portion of a URL (for example
- encodeurlpassword( -- The encodeurlpassword( function encodes text so that it can be used in the password portion of a URL.
- encodeurlpath( -- The encodeurlpath( function encodes text so that it can be used in the path portion of a URL (the portion after the host name, but before any ? symbol).
- encodeurlquery( -- The encodeurlquery( function encodes text so that it can be used in the query portion of a URL (the portion after the ? symbol).
- encodeurluser( -- The encodeurluser( function encodes text so that it can be used in the user name portion of a URL.
- encrypt( -- The encrypt( function encrypts data.
- error( -- The error( function returns an error with the specified message.
- errortext( -- The errortext( function evaluates an expression, but returns only the error message generated (if any).
- ethernetinterfaces( -- The ethernetinterfaces( function returns a dictionary containing all of the MAC addresses associated with this computer.
- eulersconstant( -- The eulersconstant( function returns the value of Euler's constant.
- eurodatestr( -- The eurodatestr( function converts a date to text in European format.
- execute( -- The execute( function allows a formula to execute a sequence of statements and return a result.
- exp( -- The exp( function raises e to a power.
- expandemojis( -- The expandemojis( function expands any "emoji cheat" abbreviations into the actual emojis.
- exportcell( -- The exportcell( function takes any database field and converts it to text, using the appropriate display pattern if one has been defined for the field.
- exportdataarray( -- The exportdataarray( function converts a data array into a text array (see Data Arrays and Text Arrays).
- exportform( -- The exportform( function exports a form and the form's meta data as a binary object that can be imported with the importform statement.
- exportline( -- The exportline( function generates a tab delimited line of data containing all the fields in the current record.
- exportlinenotabs( -- The exportlinenotabs( function generates a tab delimited line of data containing all the fields in the current record. Any tabs within individual fields will be removed.
- exportlinevisiblecells( -- The exportlinevisiblecells( function generates a tab delimited line of data containing all the visible (non hidden) fields in the current record.
- exportprocedure( -- The exportprocedure( function exports a procedure and the procedure's meta data as a binary object that can be imported with the importprocedure statement.
- expressiontype( -- The expressiontype( function determines what kind of data is generated by an expression: text, number, etc.
- extensiontype( -- The extensiontype( function returns the type code of the specified file (if any).
- extract( -- The extract( function extracts a single data item from a text array, and can also be used to count the number of items in the array.
- extrapages( -- The extrapages( function controls the printing of extra data tile pages.
- fact( -- The fact( function computes the factorial of a value.
- false( -- The false( function returns false.
- feetandframes( -- The feetandframes( function takes an integer and returns a feet and frame count for 35mm film.
- fieldalignment( -- The fieldalignment( function returns the alignment of a database field.
- fieldformula( -- The fieldformula( function returns the formula associated with a database field.
- fieldnumber( -- The fieldnumber( function returns the number of a database field (starting with 1).
- fieldpattern( -- The fieldpattern( function returns the output pattern associated with a database field.
- fieldtypes( -- The fieldtypes( function returns a carriage return delimited array with a list of the fields and field data types.
- fieldvalue( -- The fieldvalue( function grabs the contents of a field in the current record of a database. You can grab data from the current database, or from another database.
- fieldwidth( -- The fieldwidth( function returns the width (in the data sheet) of a database field.
- fileattributes( -- The fileattributes( function returns attributes of the specified file or folder (date, owner, permissions, etc.).
- filebookmark( -- The filebookmark( function converts a file or folder path into a binary data value that persistently links to the file, even if it is later moved or renamed.
- filecatalog( -- The filecatalog( function builds a text array listing the files in a folder, including any subfolders of that folder.
- filedate( -- The filedate( function returns the modification date of a file.
- filedisplayname( -- The filedisplayname( function returns the display name for the specified file or folder.
- fileexists( -- The fileexists( function returns true if a file exists, false if it does not.
- fileexistspath( -- The fileexistspath( function tests to see if a file exists.
- fileextension( -- The fileextension( function extracts the extension (if any) from a partial or complete path and filename.
- filefolder( -- The filefolder( function returns the folder ID of the folder that contains the specified file.
- fileglobalvalue( -- The fileglobalvalue( function accesses a fileglobal or permanent variable from other databases.
- fileidnumber( -- The fileidnumber( function returns the id number for the specified file or folder.
- fileinfo( -- The fileinfo( function returns information about a file (or folder) on the disk, including the size, creation and modification date and time, type, creator and lock status.
- fileload( -- The fileload( function reads the entire contents of any file on disk.
- fileloadpartial( -- The fileloadpartial( function reads a portion of the contents of any file on disk.
- filename( -- The filename( function extracts the filename from a complete path and filename.
- filepath( -- The filepath( function extracts the path from a combined path and filename.
- filesize( -- The filesize( function determines the size of any file on disk.
- filesuperdate( -- The filesuperdate( function returns the modification date and time of a file.
- filetime( -- The filetime( function returns the modification time of a file.
- filetypecreator( -- The filetypecreator( function returns the type and creator code of the specified file (if any).
- firstdayofweek( -- The firstdayofweek( function returns the user's preference for first day of the week.
- firstline( -- The firstline( function extracts the first line from the text.
- firstword( -- The firstword( function extracts the first word from the text.
- fix( -- The fix( function converts a number to an integer, truncating toward zero.
- fixedwidth( -- The fixedwidth( function makes the text a fixed width, padding with spaces if necessary.
- fixedwidthright( -- The fixedwidthright( function makes the text a fixed width, padding on the left with spaces if necessary.
- float( -- The float( function converts a fixed point number to a floating point number.
- folder( -- The folder( function creates a Folder ID that unambiguously describes the location of a folder on the hard disk.
- foldercontains( -- The foldercontains( function checks to see if a folder contains a specified file. See also the pathcontains( function.
- foldercontents( -- The foldercontents( function returns a list of all of the contents of a folder.
- foldercount( -- The foldercount( function returns the total number of files within a folder (including any subfolders).
- folderexists( -- The folderexists( function returns true if a folder exists, false if it does not.
- folderpath( -- The folderpath( function converts a Folder ID into the HFS path of that folder.
- foldersepchar( -- The foldersepchar( function returns the separator character used between folders.
- foldersize( -- The foldersize( function calculates the size of a folder (in bytes).
- fontcharacters( -- The fontcharacters( function returns a string (text) containing all of the characters supported by the specified font.
- fontinfo( -- The fontinfo( function returns a dictionary with information about a specified font.
- formatphone( -- The formatphone( function formats a US phone number using the standard *(aaa) nnn-nnnn* format.
- formulafields( -- The formulafields( function returns a list of fields used in a formula.
- formulaidentfiers( -- The formulaidentfiers( function returns a list of identifiers (fields and variables) used in a formula.
- formulastrings( -- The formulastrings( function returns a data array of strings (text constants) used in a formula.
- formulatokencount( -- The formulatokencount( function returns a count of the number of tokens in a formula.
- formulavalue( -- The formulavalue( function calculates the result of a formula based on data in the current record of any open database. This is similar to the fieldvalue( function, but allows any formula to be used, rather than just a single field.
- formulavariables( -- The formulavariables( function returns a list of variables used in a formula.
- fullpath( -- The fullpath( function converts a filename or relative path (starting with the : or / symbol) into a full HFS path, including the disk name.
- fv( -- The fv( function (short for future value) calculates the future value of an investment.
- generatedataarray( -- The generatedataarray( function generates a new data array based on a formula (see Data Arrays and Text Arrays).
- getapplicationinfo( -- The getapplicationinfo( function retrieves the value of an item in the application's plist, or a list of all plist items.
- getautonumber( -- The getautonumber( function returns the automatically generated number for the next record that will be added to the database.
- getbit( -- The getbit( function returns the value of a bit within a number.
- getcookie( -- The getcookie( function returns the value of a cookie submitted to the server.
- getcookielist( -- The getcookielist( function returns a list of cookies submitted to the server.
- getdictionarykey( -- The getdictionarykey( function returns the key of an item in the dictionary, given its value). This is essentially the opposite of the getdictionaryvalue( function (see Data Dictionaries).
- getdictionaryvalue( -- The getdictionaryvalue( function returns the value of an item in the dictionary, given its key (see Data Dictionaries).
- getfieldproperties( -- The getfieldproperties( function returns a dictionary containing all of the properties of the specified field. (See the setfieldproperties statement if you want to change one or more field properties.)
- getformcustompreference( -- The getformcustompreference( function returns the value of a form custom preference.
- getformcustompreferencenames( -- The getformcustompreferencenames( function returns a list of custom preferences associated with a form.
- getformoption( -- The getformoption( function returns information about a form.
- getglobaldictionary( -- The getglobaldictionary( function converts a global dictionary into a regular dictionary.
- getpreferenceclass( -- The getpreferenceclass( function retrieves the class name of a preference value.
- getpreferencevalue( -- The getpreferencevalue( function retrieves the value of a preference.
- getprocedureoption( -- The getprocedureoption( function returns information about a procedure.
- getproceduretext( -- The getproceduretext( function gets the contents (source code) of a procedure.
- getserverlog( -- The getserverlog( function retrieves information from one or more server logs.
- getstructurevalue( -- The getstructurevalue( function extracts a value from a structure of nested Data Dictionaries and/or Data Arrays.
- getuploadeddata( -- The getuploadeddata( function is used in server code to access data uploaded with the UploadDataToServer statement.
- getwebcolor( -- The getwebcolor( function calculates an RGB color from a Netscape style web color.
- getwebtabletemplate( -- The getwebtabletemplate( function converts a web table template (created by the Text Export Wizard) into the format compatible with the HTMLDataTable statement.
- getwebtemplate( -- The getwebtemplate( function retrieves the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- getwebtemplatetext( -- The getwebtemplatetext( function retrieves the text of the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- globaldictionarykeys( -- The globaldictionarykeys( function returns a cr()-separated array containing the keys in a global dictionary, or the names of all global dictionaries.
- globaldictionaryvalue( -- The globaldictionaryvalue( function returns the value of an item in a global dictionary, given its key (see Global Dictionaries).
- globalvalue( -- The globalvalue( function returns the value of a global variable.
- grabfieldtype( -- The grabfieldtype( function returns the type of a database field in any open database.
- gray( -- The gray( function returns a shade of gray as a Panorama color value (see Colors).
- green( -- The green( function extracts the green intensity from a color.
- groupdatepattern( -- The groupdatepattern( function converts a number representing a date into text in a special format for use with the summarytable( and crosstab( functions. The function uses a pattern to control how the date is formatted (see Date Patterns).
- groupseq( -- The groupseq( function returns the sequence number within a summary level.
- h( -- The h( function extracts the horizontal position from a point (see point(, Graphic Coordinates).
- hex( -- The hex( function converts a text item containing a hexadecimal number into a standard number (decimal).
- hexbyte( -- The hexbyte( function converts a limited range of decimal numbers to a two-digit hexadecimal number expressed as a text string.
- hexlong( -- The hexlong( function converts a decimal number to an eight-digit hexadecimal number expressed as a text string
- hexstr( -- The hexstr( function converts a number to text formatted as a hexadecimal number.
- hextobinary( -- The hextobinary( function converts a sequence of hexadecimal digits into a raw binary data value.
- hexword( -- The hexword( function converts a decimal number to a four-digit hexadecimal number expressed as a text string.
- hfspath( -- The hfspath( function converts a UNIX path into an HFS path.
- hiddenfields( -- The hiddenfields( function returns a list of hidden fields in the curent data sheet window
- homepath( -- The homepath( function returns the HFS path of a subfolder of the current users home folder.
- homesubfolder( -- The homesubfolder( function returns the folder id of a subfolder of the current user's home folder.
- hostedfiles( -- The hostedfiles( function returns a list of open databases associated with a specified host (server).
- hsb( -- The hsb( function creates a color by combining hue, saturation, and brightness components. See Colors.
- htmlbold( -- The htmlbold( function takes the text and adds `` and `` tags to it.
- htmlcolor( -- The htmlcolor( function converts a color name into a hex HTML color (RRGGBB format).
- htmlcolorarray( -- The htmlcolorarray( function generates a text array of HTML colors that gradually transition from one color to another.
- htmldecode( -- The htmldecode( function converts HTML text into regular text by converting any special HTML entities (`&`, `©`, etc.) into the corresponding characters.
- htmlencode( -- The htmlencode( function converts standard text into HTML text by converting any special characters into the equivalent HTML entities.
- htmlitalic( -- The htmlitalic( function takes the text and adds `` and `` tags to it.
- htmlrgb( -- The htmlrgb( function converts text formatted as an HTML color into a Panorama color value (see Colors).
- htmlrgbstr( -- The htmlrgbstr( function converts a color to text formatted as an HTML color.
- htmltablecell( -- The htmltablecell( function extracts the data from a cell in an HTML table.
- htmltablecellexists( -- The htmltablecellexists( function returns true if an HTML table contains the specified cell, false if it doesn't.
- htmltablecellraw( -- The htmltablecellraw( function extracts the data from a cell in an HTML table (including tags, if any).
- htmltableheight( -- The htmltableheight( function calculates the height (number of rows) in an HTML table.
- htmltablerow( -- The htmltablerow( function extracts the data from a row in an HTML table.
- htmltablerowraw( -- The htmltablerowraw( function extracts the raw data (including tags, if any) from a row in an HTML table.
- htmltablewidth( -- The htmltablewidth( function calculates the width (number of columns) in an HTML table.
- hue( -- The hue( function extracts the hue from a color.
- ignore( -- The ignore( function ignores all but the first parameter, which is passed through.
- imagedimensions( -- The imagedimensions( function returns the dimensions (height and width) of an image file.
- imageinfo( -- The imageinfo( function returns information about an image file on disk.
- import( -- The import( function returns a line or element of imported data. This function works in conjunction with repetitive operations like importtext, arrayfilter(, characterfilter( etc.
- importcell( -- The importcell( function returns one cell of imported data.
- importdataarray( -- The importdataarray( function converts a text array into a data array (see Data Arrays and Text Arrays).
- infinity( -- The infinity( function returns infinity.
- info( -- The info( function returns miscellaneous bits of information about the system, the current database, the current window, etc.
- initializedictionary( -- The initializedictionary( function builds a new dictionary and initializes it with zero or more key/value entries (see Data Dictionaries).
- initializedictionaryvalue( -- The initializedictionaryvalue( function builds a new dictionary and initializes it with one or more entries (see Data Dictionaries). This function is deprecated, we recommend using the initializedictionary( function instead.
- inrectangle( -- The inrectangle( function checks to see if a point is inside a rectangle.
- int( -- The int( function converts a number to an integer, truncating toward negative infinity.
- integralpoint( -- The integralpoint( function converts point coordinates to integers.
- integralrectangle( -- The integralrectangle( function converts rectangle coordinates to integers.
- intersectionrectangle( -- The intersectionrectangle( function creates a rectangle by combining two rectangles. The new rectangle is the area where the two rectangles overlap (if any).
- javascriptconstant( -- The javascriptconstant( function converts an expression into a JavaScript literal.
- javascriptstring( -- The javascriptstring( function converts a text string into a JavaScript string
- jsonexport( -- The jsonexport( function converts a Panorama dictionary or data array into JSON.
- jsonexportline( -- The jsonexportline( function exports the current database record in JSON format.
- jsonimport( -- The jsonimport( function converts JSON into a Panorama dictionary or data array.
- jsonscriptstring( -- The jsonscriptstring( function converts text into a JSON string literal
- kcadd( -- The kcadd( function takes a keycode for 35mm film and adds a number of frames to it and returns a keycode as a string.
- kcdiff( -- The kcdiff( function calculates the number of frames between two frames of 35mm film, using inclusive counts (submitted by chris watts)
- kcframes( -- The kcframes( function returns an integer based on a feet and frames count for 35mm film.
- kcoutfromlength( -- The kcoutfromlength( function answers the question "what will the last frame be if i start my cut at the incode and my shot is some number of frames long"?
- labelize( -- The labelize( function returns the value of a field or variable along with a label. This saves typing when you need to display fields or variables when logging and debugging.
- labelizeformula( -- The labelizeformula( function returns the value of a formula along with the formula itself as a label.
- labelizeinfo( -- The labelizeinfo( function returns the value of an info( function, along with the function itself as a label.
- labelizepattern( -- The labelizepattern( function formats a text value using a label and a pattern.
- lastline( -- The lastline( function extracts the last line from the text.
- lastlookupdatabase( -- The lastlookupdatabase( function returns the name of the database referenced in the most recent lookup.
- lastword( -- The lastword( function extracts the last word from the text.
- latlongdistance( -- The latlongdistance( function calculates the distance between two points on the earth (or any other sphere).
- left( -- The left( function extracts characters from the left edge of the text.
- length( -- The length( function counts the number of characters in a text value (also called a string).
- lf( -- The lf( function generates a line feed.
- lftocr( -- The lftocr( function converts linefeeds into carriage returns.
- limit( -- The limit( function checks to see if a value is between a minimum and maximum value. If it is, the value is returned unchanged. If it is below the minimum, the minimum value is returned. If it is above the maximum the maximum value is returned.
- linecount( -- The linecount( function counts the number of carriage return separated lines in the text.
- lineitemarray( -- The lineitemarray( function converts the data in a set of line item fields into a text array (see Text Arrays).
- linescontain( -- The linescontain( function checks to see if any line in a carriage return separated array matches the specified value.
- linesnotcontain( -- The linesnotcontain( function is the reverse of the linescontain( function.
- linesort( -- The linesort( function sorts lines of text in ascending order.
- linestrip( -- The linestrip( function removes any blank lines from the text.
- listchoices( -- The listchoices( function builds a text array containing a list of all the values stored in a specified field.
- listdictionarykeys( -- The listdictionarykeys( function returns a list of the keys in a dictionary collection.
- listfiles( -- The listfiles( function builds a text array listing the files in a folder.
- listpanoramafiles( -- The listpanoramafiles( function returns a list of panorama database files in the specified folder.
- listtextfiles( -- The listtextfiles( function returns a list of text files in the specified folder.
- listwebtables( -- The listwebtables( function returns the list of web tables (generated by the Text Export wizard) in the specified database.
- listwebtemplates( -- The listwebtemplates( function retrieves a list of web templates in the specified database, if any.
- listwindownumbers( -- The listwindownumbers( function builds a text array containing a list of window ID numbers for all the open windows associated with a particular file.
- listwindows( -- The listwindows( function builds a text array containing a list of all the open windows associated with a particular file.
- littleendian( -- The littleendian( function returns true if Panorama is running on a "little endian" processor.
- littleendianbinaryvalue( -- The littleendianbinaryvalue( function converts little endian binary data (a byte, word, longword, or longlongword) into an unsigned number (see Binary Data).
- littleendianbinaryvalue( -- The littleendianbinaryvalue( function converts little endian binary data (a byte, word, or longword) into an unsigned number (see Binary Data).
- loadurl( -- The loadurl( function loads a resource from the internet.
- localvalue( -- The localvalue( function returns the value of a local variable.
- lockcurrentrecord( -- The lockcurrentrecord( function attempts to lock the current record, returns true if successful, false if failed.
- log( -- The log( function computes the natural logarithm (base e ) of a value.
- log10( -- The log10( function computes the common logarithm (base 10) of a value.
- longdatestr( -- The longdatestr( function converts a date to text by spelling out the month.
- longlongword( -- The longlongword( function converts a number into a 64 bit longword (8 bytes) of binary data (see Binary Data).
- longlongwordarray( -- The longlongwordarray( function extracts a value from an array of 64 bit longlongwords (see [Binary Data]).
- longtimestr( -- The longtimestr( function converts a number to text in am/pm time format, including seconds.
- longword( -- The longword( function converts a number into a 32 bit longword (4 bytes) of binary data (see Binary Data).
- longwordarray( -- The longwordarray( function extracts a value from an array of 32 bit longwords (see [Binary Data]).
- lookup( -- The lookup( function searches a database for a value, then returns other information from the same record. For example, the lookup( function can look up a phone number given a customer name, or look up a price given a part number.
- lookupall( -- The lookupall( function builds a text array containing one item for every record in the target database where the data in the keyField matches the keyData. Each item in the text array contains the value extracted from the dataField for that record. If the data field is a numeric or date field, it is converted to text using the default patterns for that field.
- lookupalldouble( -- The lookupalldouble( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns two fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookupalloctet( -- The lookupalloctet( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns eight fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookupallquadruple( -- The lookupallquadruple( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns four fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookupallquintuplet( -- The lookupallquintuplet( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns five fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookupallseptuplet( -- The lookupallseptuplet( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns seven fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookupallsextet( -- The lookupallsextet( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns six fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookupalltriple( -- The lookupalltriple( function is similar to the lookupall( function, but it returns three fields from the target database instead of just one.
- lookuplast( -- The lookuplast( function searches the selected records in a database for a value, then returns other information from the same record. For example, the lookuplast( function can look up a phone number given a customer name, or look up a price given a part number. Unlike the lookup( function which searches from the top of the database, the lookuplast( function searches backwards from the bottom.
- lookuplastselected( -- The lookuplastselected( function searches the selected records in a database for a value, then returns other information from the same record. For example, the lookuplastselected( function can look up a phone number given a customer name, or look up a price given a part number. Unlike the lookupselected( function which searches from the top of the database, the lookuplastselected( function searches backwards from the bottom.
- lookupmoredata( -- The lookupmoredata( function looks up an additional data field based on the previous lookup.
- lookupmoreformula( -- The lookupmoreformula( function looks up additional data based on a previous lookup.
- lookupselected( -- The lookupselected( function searches the selected records in a database for a value, then returns other information from the same record. For example, the lookupselected( function can look up a phone number given a customer name, or look up a price given a part number.
- loremipsum( -- The loremipsum( function creates one or more paragraph blocks of "lorem ipsum" dummy text.
- lower( -- The lower( function converts text to lower case.
- mactoutf8( -- The mactoutf8( function translates text from Panorama format to UTF8 (Unicode).
- makeinteger( -- The makeinteger( function makes a random integer with up to the specified # of digits (may be less).
- makemergeformula( -- The makemergeformula( function builds a formula from an “auto-wrap" style merge template.
- makenumberedarray( -- The makenumberedarray( function generates a numeric sequenced text array.
- maprectangle( -- The maprectangle( function maps the position and size of a rectangle within a template rectangle into the same relative position and size within a goal rectangle.
- mapurl( -- The mapurl( function returns a URL to display a map location.
- max( -- The max( function compares a series of values and returns the largest value.
- md5( -- The md5( function calculates the MD5 hash of a binary or text data item.
- measuretext( -- The measuretext( function returns the size of a string of text in a particular font and size.
- menu( -- The menu( function creates a menu (see Custom Menus).
- menuitem( -- The menuitem( function creates a single menu item (see Custom Menus).
- menuitems( -- The menuitems( function converts a semicolon separated array into a live menu specification.
- mergedictionaries( -- The mergedictionaries( function merges the contents of two or more dictionaries (see Data Dictionaries).
- mid( -- The mid( function extracts characters from the middle of the text.
- min( -- The min( function compares a series of values and returns the smallest value.
- mixedupperword( -- The mixedupperword( function converts lower case words to Initial Caps, but leaves mixed case words alone.
- money( -- The money( function converts a number to text, formatted as money.
- month1st( -- The month1st( function computes the first day of a month.
- monthlength( -- The monthlength( function computes the length (number of days) of a month.
- monthmath( -- The monthmath( function takes a date and computes the date that is one or more months before or after the original date.
- monthvalue( -- The monthvalue( function extracts the month from a date as a numeric value.
- nan( -- The nan( function checks to see if a numeric value is invalid.
- nanerror( -- The nanerror( function converts invalid numeric values into an error.
- nanzero( -- The nanzero( function converts invalid numeric values into zero.
- naturaldate( -- The naturaldate( function converts a number representing a date into text using "natural" formatting.
- nextdaylightsavingstimetransition( -- The nextdaylightsavingstimetransition( function returns the next date on which a transition to or from daylight savings time occurs.
- noactionmenu( -- The noactionmenu( function suppresses the Action menu.
- noinstrumentationmenu( -- The noinstrumentationmenu( function supresses the Instrumentation menu.
- not( -- The not( function reverses a Boolean value
- notbetween( -- The notbetween( function checks to see if a value is not between two other values.
- now( -- The now( function returns the current time (number of seconds since midnight).
- nowizardmenu( -- The nowizardmenu( function suppresses the Wizards menu.
- nsrect( -- The nsrect( function defines a rectangle using the same parameter order as the Cocoa NSMakeRect( function.
- nsrectstr( -- The nsrectstr( function converts a rectangle into text in the format x,y,width,height
- nth( -- The nth( function converts a number into an ordinal.
- nthline( -- The nthline( function extracts the nth line from the text.
- nthword( -- The nthword( function extracts a word from the middle of the text.
- numsandwich( -- The numsandwich( function is similar to the sandwich function, but for numbers. If the value is zero the result is zero, but if the value is not zero the result is the value plus the extra.
- obfuscate( -- The obfuscate( function randomizes the letters and digits in text.
- objectinfo( -- The objectinfo( function returns information about a graphic object: its location, size, color, font, etc.
- objectinfoarray( -- The objectinfoarray( function builds a text array of form object properties
- obscuredigits( -- The obscuredigits( function obscures digits in a number (usually a credit card number) with Xs.
- onescomplement( -- The onescomplement( function returns the one's complement of a 64 bit number (all bits are reversed)
- onespace( -- The onespace( function removes all leading & trailing spaces and any extra spaces between words, so that there is exactly one and only one space between each word.
- onewhitespace( -- The onewhitespace( function removes all leading spaces and any extra whitespace between words, making sure that there is one and only one space between each word.
- optionclick( -- The optionclick( function returns true if the option key was held down the last time the mouse was clicked.
- os9( -- The os9( function returns true if running on OS 9.
- oswindows( -- The oswindows( function returns true if running on Microsoft Windows, otherwise false
- osx( -- The osx( function returns true if running on OS X, otherwise false
- outcode( -- The outcode( function adds one frame to a timecode.
- padzero( -- The padzero( function makes the text a fixed width, padding on the left with zeros if necessary.
- panoramamacid( -- The panoramamacid( function returns the MAC address registered with Panorama for this computer.
- panoramaxservercgisuffix( -- The panoramaxservercgisuffix( function adds the Panorama server cgi suffix to a url
- panoramaxservercgiurl( -- The panoramaxservercgiurl( function returns the URL associated with a Panorama X server cgi.
- panoramaxservers( -- The panoramaxservers( function returns an array of available Panorama servers.
- panoramaxserverurl( -- The panoramaxserverurl( function returns the URL associated with a Panorama X server.
- parameter( -- The parameter( function is used to transfer data between a main procedure and a subroutine.
- parameterentity( -- The parameterentity( function returns the entity (field or variable) associated with a subroutine parameter, if any.
- pathcontains( -- The pathcontains( function checks to see if a folder contains a specified file (or folder).
- pathcontents( -- The pathcontents( function lists the contents of a folder (specified by a path)
- pathexists( -- The pathexists( function checks to see if a path exists.
- pathseparator( -- The pathseparator( function returns the type of separator character used in a file path (either / or :).
- pattern( -- The pattern( function converts a number into text using a pattern.
- percentescape( -- The percentescape( function encodes specified characters using percent encoding.
- percentunescape( -- The percentunescape( function decodes text that contains percent encoding.
- perl( -- The perl( function executes a perl program and returns the result (stdout).
- perlconstant( -- The perlconstant( function encodes text for use as a constant in a Perl program.
- perlscriptstring( -- The perlscriptstring( function converts text into a Perl string literal.
- php( -- The php( function executes a PHP program and returns the result.
- phpconstant( -- The phpconstant( function encodes text for use as a contant in a php program.
- pi( -- The pi( function returns the value of pi .
- pinrectangle( -- The pinrectangle( function pins a rectangle within the bounds of a larger rectangle.
- places( -- The places( function converts a number to text with a specific number of places after the decimal point.
- pluralpattern( -- The pluralpattern( function converts a number to text using a pattern, making adjustments for pluralization.
- pmt( -- The pmt( function (short for payment) calculates the periodic payment required to pay off a loan.
- point( -- The point( function combines vertical and horizontal co-ordinates into a single binary value that describes the position of a point (see Graphic Coordinates).
- pointstr( -- The pointstr( function converts a point value into text in the format v,h (for example 34,56).
- pointsval( -- The pointsval( function converts a dimension to points (possibly from inches or centimeters).
- posixpath( -- The posixpath( function converts a path and filename into a POSIX path that can be used as a parameter to a shell command.
- posixscript( -- The posixscript( function executes a POSIX shell script using NSTask and returns the result.
- posixtask( -- The posixtask( function executes a POSIX shell script in the background using NSTask.
- posturl( -- The posturl( function loads a resource from the internet, with form data.
- preferences( -- The preferences( function retreives a list of preferences that have been stored.
- procedureexists( -- The procedureexists( function checks to see whether a procedure exists or not.
- provueserverisup( -- The provueserverisup( function checks whether is online and operating.
- pv( -- The pv( function (short for present value) calculates the present value of an income or debit stream of payments.
- python( -- The python( function executes a python program and returns the result (stdout).
- pythonconstant( -- The pythonconstant( function encodes text for use as a constant in a python program.
- quarter1st( -- The quarter1st( function computes the first day of a quarter.
- quartervalue( -- The quartervalue( function extracts the quarter from a date as a numeric value.
- quoted( -- The quoted( function returns a quoted version of the supplied text.
- radians2degrees( -- The radians2degrees( function converts an angle from radians to degrees.
- radianstodegrees( -- The radianstodegrees( function converts an angle from radians to degrees.
- radix( -- The radix( function converts a text item containing a number in a radix between 2 and 36 into a decimal number.
- radixstr( -- The radixstr( function converts a number into a text item containing the equivalent number in a radix between 2 and 36.
- randomarrayelement( -- The randomarrayelement( function returns a random element from an array.
- randominteger( -- The randominteger( function generates a random integer between the starting and ending values.
- randomletter( -- The randomletter( function returns a random letter.
- randomline( -- The randomline( function returns a random line from multiple lines of text.
- randomword( -- The randomword( function returns a random word from a list of words.
- rangecontains( -- The rangecontains( function checks to see if the text contains any characters in the specified range.
- rangematch( -- The rangematch( function returns true (-1) if the text matches a specified range.
- rangenotmatch( -- The rangenotmatch( function returns false (0) if the text matches a specified range.
- rbottom( -- The rbottom( function extracts the position of the bottom edge of a rectangle (see rectangle(, Graphic Coordinates).
- recordislocked( -- The recordislocked( function tests whether the current record is locked on this client.
- rectangle( -- The rectangle( function defines a rectangle from four dimensions.
- rectangleadjust( -- The rectangleadjust( function adjusts all four edges of a rectangle independently
- rectanglealign( -- The rectanglealign( function aligns a small rectangle at one of nine positions within a larger rectangle.
- rectanglecenter( -- The rectanglecenter( function adjusts a rectangle so that it is centered inside of another rectangle.
- rectangleinset( -- The rectangleinset( function insets a rectangle by a specified amount.
- rectangleoffset( -- The rectangleoffset( function offsets a rectangle to a new position.
- rectanglesize( -- The rectanglesize( function defines a rectangle from its upper left hand corner and its height and width.
- rectanglesizestr( -- The rectanglesizestr( function converts a rectangle into text in the format top,left,height,width.
- rectanglestr( -- The rectanglestr( function converts a rectangle into text in the format top,left,bottom,right.
- rectangletweak( -- The rectangletweak( function transforms a rectangle by changing its position and/or size.
- red( -- The red( function extracts the red intensity from a color.
- regexarray( -- The regexarray( function applies a regular expression to a text value, then builds an array containing all of the substrings that match the regular expression (see Regular Expressions).
- regexarrayexact( -- The regexarrayexact( function applies a regular expression to a text value, then builds an array containing all of the substrings that match the regular expression (see Regular Expressions).
- regexliteral( -- The regexliteral( function adds \ characters to text as necessary so that it can be used as a literal in a regular expression.
- regexreplace( -- The regexreplace( function replaces text with new text. The text to be replaced is determined by a regular expression.
- regexreplaceexact( -- The regexreplaceexact( function replaces text with new text. The text to be replaced is determined by a regular expression.
- regexreplacefirst( -- The regexreplacefirst( function replaces the first occurrence of a regular expression pattern with new text.
- regexreplacefirstexact( -- The regexreplacefirstexact( function replaces the first occurrence of a regular expression pattern with new text.
- regulardate( -- The regulardate( function extracts a regular date (number of days from January 1, 4713 B.C.) from a superdate.
- regulartime( -- The regulartime( function extracts a regular time (seconds since midnight) from a superdate.
- related( -- The related( function searches a database for a record in a related database that matches the current record in the current database based a relational specification (based on one or more key fields or formulas in each database), then uses a formula to return other information from the same record. This is similar to the lookup( function, but instead of using an individual field for the key, a relation is used (see Relational Database Management).
- relatedarray( -- The relatedarray( function builds an Text Array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every record that matches a relational specification (based on one or more key fields or formulas). This is similar to the arraybuild( function, but instead of using an individual field for the key, a relation is used (see Relational Database Management).
- relatedrecordid( -- The relatedrecordid( function returns the record id of a record in a related database that matches the current record in the current database based on a relational specification.
- remotepanoramaxservers( -- The remotepanoramaxservers( function returns the names of all Panorama X servers that are remotely accessible from this computer.
- removeprefix( -- The removeprefix( function checks to see if a text item starts with a prefix. if it does, the prefix is removed.
- removesuffix( -- The removesuffix( function checks to see if a text item ends with a suffix. if it does, the suffix is removed.
- renamedictionarykey( -- The renamedictionarykey( function changes the key (name) of one or more values in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- renderwebform( -- The renderwebform( function renders a Panorama web form into HTML, merging data into the template as necessary.
- renderwebtable( -- The renderwebtable( function renders a web table using records selected with WebSelect in the current database.
- rep( -- The rep( function assembles a text item by repeating a smaller text item over and over again.
- replace( -- The replace( function replaces text with new text.
- replacefirst( -- The replacefirst( function replaces the first occurence of some text with new text.
- replacemultiple( -- The replacemultiple( function replaces multiple words and phrases in a text value.
- replaceword( -- The replaceword( function replaces a word with a new word.
- replacewordexact( -- The replacewordexact( function replaces a word with a new word.
- rgb( -- The rgb( function creates a color by combining red, green, and blue primary colors. See Colors.
- rgbstr( -- The rgbstr( function converts a color into text in the format red,green,blue.
- rheight( -- The rheight( function extracts the height of a rectangle (see rectangle(, Graphic Coordinates).
- richtextdata( -- The richtextdata( function adjusts text so that it will display properly in rich text even if it contains a < character.
- richtextdisplay( -- The richtextdisplay( function works with Text Display objects to display text with multiple styles, fonts, colors and alignments.
- right( -- The right( function extracts characters from the right edge of the text.
- rleft( -- The rleft( function extracts the position of the left edge of a rectangle (see rectangle(, Graphic Coordinates).
- rnd( -- The rnd( function generates a random number between 0 and 1.
- round( -- The round( function rounds a number to a specified increment.
- rright( -- The rright( function extracts the position of the right edge of a rectangle (see rectangle(, Graphic Coordinates).
- rtop( -- The rtop( function extracts the position of the top edge of a rectangle (see rectangle(, Graphic Coordinates).
- ruby( -- The ruby( function executes a ruby program and returns the result (stdout).
- rubyconstant( -- The rubyconstant( function encodes a value for use as a constant in a Ruby program.
- runningappinfo( -- The runningappinfo( function returns information about applications that are currently running on this computer.
- rwidth( -- The rwidth( function extracts the width of a rectangle (see rectangle(, Graphic Coordinates).
- sandwich( -- The sandwich( function assembles a text item from three smaller items.
- saturation( -- The saturation( function extracts the saturation from a color.
- scientificnotation( -- The scientificnotation( function converts a number to text, formatted in scientific notation.
- scopes( -- The scopes( function returns the current scope of a variable, as well as any hidden scopes.
- scopevalue( -- The scopevalue( function returns the value of a variable in the specified scope.
- search( -- The search( function searches through an item of text looking for a character, word or phrase. If it finds an exact match (including upper/lower case) with the character, word or phrase, it returns its position within the text item. If it does not find the character, word or phrase, it returns zero.
- searchanycase( -- The searchanycase( function searches through an item of text looking for a character, word or phrase. If it finds a match (upper/lower case may be different) with the character, word or phrase, it returns its position within the text item. If it does not find the character, word or phrase, it returns zero.
- secsminshours( -- The secsminshours( function this converts a time (number of seconds) into an approximate text value.
- seq( -- The seq( function returns sequential numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.).
- serverdatabasename( -- The serverdatabasename( function returns the server database name associated with a shared database.
- serverlookup( -- The serverlookup( function searches a shared database for a value, then returns other information from the same record. Similar to the lookup( function, but the search is performed on the server instead in the local computer's memory.
- serverlookupall( -- The serverlookupall( function builds a text array containing one item for every record in the target database where the data in the keyField matches the keyData. Similar to the lookupall( function but retreives the data directly from the server computer, instead of from the local computer's memory.
- servername( -- The servername( function returns the name of the server associated with a shared database.
- serverrunning( -- The serverrunning( function returns true if this code is running on a Panorama server, or false if it is running in single user mode or on a client.
- serverstatus( -- The serverstatus( function returns a dictionary describing the current status of Panorama X Server.
- serversuperlookup( -- The serversuperlookup( function searches a database for a record that matches a query formula, then uses a second formula to return other information from the same record. This is identical to the superlookup( function, but instead of searching in the local computer's memory, the search is done on the server to ensure that the most up-to-date information is returned.
- servervariablenames( -- The servervariablenames( function returns the names of all server variables associated with a database.
- servervariables( -- The servervariables( function returns the names and values of all server variables associated with a database. The names and values are returned in a dictionary.
- setbit( -- The setbit( function sets or clears one bit within a number, without disturbing any of the other bits.
- setrectangleheight( -- The setrectangleheight( function changes the height of a rectangle, leaving the width unchanged.
- setrectanglesize( -- The setrectanglesize( function changes the height and width of a rectangle, leaving the position of the top left hand corner unchanged.
- setrectanglewidth( -- The setrectanglewidth( function changes the width of a rectangle, leaving the height unchanged.
- sha1( -- The sha1( function calculates the SHA-1 hash of a binary or text data item.
- sha256( -- The sha256( function calculates the SHA-256 hash of a binary or text data item.
- sha512( -- The sha512( function calculates the SHA-512 hash of a binary or text data item.
- shareddatabasebookmarkedpath( -- The shareddatabasebookmarkedpath( function retrieves the local path and filename of a server database (if any).
- sharedusers( -- The sharedusers( function returns a list of users that are currently using the specified database.
- shellscript( -- The shellscript( function executes a UNIX shell script and returns the result.
- shiftclick( -- The shiftclick( function returns true if the shift key was held down the last time the mouse was clicked.
- shortstandardviewmenu( -- The shortstandardviewmenu( function generates a Live Menu specification for a truncated version of Panorama’s standard View menu.
- signedbinaryvalue( -- The signedbinaryvalue( function converts binary data (a byte, word, longword, or longlongword) into a signed number (see Binary Data).
- sin( -- The sin( function calculates the sine of an angle.
- sinh( -- The sinh( function calculates the hyperbolic sine of a numeric value.
- sizeof( -- The sizeof( function calculates the amount of memory used by a field or a variable.
- snip( -- The snip( function removes (snips!) one or more characters from the middle of an item of text.
- soundduration( -- The soundduration( function returns the duration (in seconds) of the specified playing sound.
- sounddurationhhmmss( -- The sounddurationhhmmss( function returns the duration (in hours:minutes:seconds) of the specified playing sound.
- soundex( -- The soundex( function computes a four character code that roughly corresponds to the phonetic pronunciation of the word.
- soundinfo( -- The soundinfo( function returns a dictionary that contains all of the properties of a sound.
- soundplaying( -- The soundplaying( function returns true if the specified sound is currently playing, false if it is paused or not playing at all.
- soundposition( -- The soundposition( function returns the current playback position (in seconds) of the specified playing sound.
- soundpositionhhmmss( -- The soundpositionhhmmss( function returns the current playback position (in hours:minutes:seconds) of the specified playing sound.
- soundprogress( -- The soundprogress( function returns the progress of the played sound from 0 to 1.
- soundstatus( -- The soundstatus( function returns the status of the specified sound: stopped, playing or paused.
- soundvolume( -- The soundvolume( function returns the current volume of the specified playing sound.
- specialkey( -- The specialkey( function returns the unicode value for special keys on the keyboard.
- sqr( -- The sqr( function calculates the square root of a value.
- standardactionmenu( -- The standardactionmenu( function generates a Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Action menu.
- standardclassicsetupmenu( -- The standardclassicsetupmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's classic Setup menu.
- standardconstructgraphicsmenu( -- The standardconstructgraphicsmenu( function generates a Custom Menu specification for Panorama’s standard Construct menu (in Graphics Mode).
- standardeditmenu( -- The standardeditmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Edit menu.
- standardfieldsmenu( -- The standardfieldsmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Fields menu.
- standardfilemenu( -- The standardfilemenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard File menu.
- standardhelpmenu( -- The standardhelpmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Help menu.
- standardinstrumentationmenu( -- The standardinstrumentationmenu( function generates a Custom Menu specification for Panorama’s standard Instrumentation menu.
- standardpanoramamenu( -- The standardpanoramamenu( function generates a Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Panorama menu.
- standardrecordsmenu( -- The standardrecordsmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Records menu.
- standardsearchmenu( -- The standardsearchmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Search menu.
- standardsetupmenu( -- The standardsetupmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Setup menu.
- standardsortmenu( -- The standardsortmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Sort menu.
- standardtextmenu( -- The standardtextmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Text menu.
- standardviewmenu( -- The standardviewmenu( function generates a Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard View menu.
- standardwindowmenu( -- The standardwindowmenu( function generates a customizable Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Window menu.
- standardwizardsmenu( -- The standardwizardsmenu( function generates a Custom Menu specification for Panorama's standard Wizards menu.
- state( -- The state( function returns the name of the state associated with a US zip code.
- stateabbreviations( -- The stateabbreviations( function returns a list of US state abbreviations.
- statelookup( -- The statelookup( function converts a two letter abbreviation for a US state into the full state name.
- statename( -- The statename( function converts a two letter abbreviation for a US state into the full state name.
- str( -- The str( function converts a number into text, with no formatting.
- straightquotes( -- The straightquotes( function converts any "smart quotes" in the text into straight quotes.
- stringreverse( -- The stringreverse( function reverses the order of a string of text characters.
- strip( -- The strip( function strips off leading and trailing blanks and other whitespace (carriage returns, tabs, etc.)
- stripaccents( -- The stripaccents( function removes accents from any characters in the text.
- stripchar( -- The stripchar( function extracts characters you don't want from a text item.
- stripdiacriticals( -- The stripdiacriticals( function strips diacritical marks from text.
- striphtmltags( -- The striphtmltags( function removes all HTML tags from the text.
- stripprintable( -- The stripprintable( function strips non-printable characters from text.
- striptoalpha( -- The striptoalpha( function removes everything but alphabetic letters from a text item.
- striptonum( -- The striptonum( function removes everything but numeric digits from a text item.
- subfolder( -- The subfolder( function returns the folder id of a subfolder of a specified folder
- submenu( -- The submenu( function creates a submenu (see Custom Menus).
- subpath( -- The subpath( function returns the HFS path of a subfolder of a specified folder.
- sum( -- The sum( function adds up all instances of a line item field in the current record.
- summarytable( -- The summarytable( function scans a database to build a text array containing summary breakdown information: totals, averages, etc.
- superdate( -- The superdate( function converts a regular date and a regular time into a superdate.
- superdatepattern( -- The superdatepattern( function converts a number containing a superdate to text, allowing you to specify the patterns for both the date and the time conversion to text.
- superdatesecondsstr( -- The superdatesecondsstr( function converts a number containing a superdate to text, including the seconds.
- superdatestr( -- The superdatestr( function converts a number containing a superdate (date + time) to text.
- superdateunixtime( -- The superdateunixtime( function converts a Panorama superdate into a 13 digit UNIX epoch date/time (including milliseconds).
- superlookup( -- The superlookup( function searches a database for a record that matches a query formula, then uses a second formula to return other information from the same record. This is similar to the lookup( function, but instead of using an individual field for the key and data, any valid true/false (Boolean) formula can be used.
- supernow( -- The supernow( function returns the number representing the current date and time as a superdate.
- switch( -- The switch( function chooses from a list of values.
- switchmatch( -- The switchmatch( function chooses from a list of values based on a wildcard match.
- switchmatchexact( -- The switchmatchexact( function chooses from a list of values based on a wildcard match.
- tab( -- The tab( function generates a tab.
- tabarray( -- The tabarray( function extracts the nth element from a tab delimited array.
- table( -- The table( function searches a database for a value, then returns other information from the same record. Unlike the lookup( function, the table( function does not require an exact match. If it does not find an exact match the table( function will use the closest match. For example, the table( function can look up a tax rate given an income amount, or look up a shipping price given a zip code and weight.
- tagarray( -- The tagarray( function builds an array (see Text Arrays) containing the body of all the specified tags (usually HTML tags) in the text.
- tagcount( -- The tagcount( function counts the number of times a specified tag (usually an HTML tag) appears in the text. See Tag Parsing for more information on HTML tags.
- tagdata( -- The tagdata( function extracts the body of the specified tag (usually an HTML tag) in the text. See Tag Parsing for more information on HTML tags.
- tagend( -- The tagend( function returns the ending position of the specified tag (usually an HTML tag) in the text.
- tagnumber( -- The tagnumber( function checks to see if a specified position is inside of a tag (usually an HTML tag).
- tagparameter( -- The tagparameter( function extracts the value of a tag parameter embedded in some text, where the tag parameter takes the form name=value.
- tagparameterarray( -- The tagparameterarray( function extracts the value of multiple tag parameters embedded in some text, where each tag parameter takes the form name=value.
- tagstart( -- The tagstart( function returns the starting position of the specified tag (usually an HTML tag) in the text.
- tagstrip( -- The tagstrip( function removes tags (usually HTML tags) from within a piece of text.
- tan( -- The tan( function calculates the tangent of an angle.
- tanh( -- The tanh( function calculates the hyperbolic tangent of a numeric value.
- tc24to30( -- The tc24to30( function converts 24 frame timecode to 30 frame non-drop timecode.
- tc30to24( -- The tc30to24( function converts 30 frame non-drop timecode to 24 frame timecode.
- tcadd( -- The tcadd( function accepts a timecode as text, and adds some number of frames, returns a timecode string.
- tcdiff( -- The tcdiff( function calculates the number of frames between two timecodes.
- tcframes( -- The tcframes( function returns a number of frames from zero of a 24fps, 25fps, or 30fps timecode.
- tempfolder( -- The tempfolder( function returns the path to the current user's temporary folder (for files you plan to use only for a short time).
- textafter( -- The textafter( function extracts the text after the tag.
- textbefore( -- The textbefore( function extracts the text before the tag.
- textdisplay( -- The textdisplay( function works with Text Display Objects to control the color and style of text on the fly.
- textfilter( -- The textfilter( function scans and filters text on a character by character basis.
- textstuff( -- The textstuff( function replaces one or more characters in the middle of a piece of text.
- texttimedifference( -- The texttimedifference( function allows time math to be performed on text values.
- texttimeinterval( -- The texttimeinterval( function allows time math to be performed on text values.
- texttobinary( -- The texttobinary( function converts text into binary data, optionally using a specified encoding.
- tildepath( -- The tildepath( function converts a path in the current user's folder to tilde (~) notation.
- time( -- The time( function converts text into a number representing a time.
- time24( -- The time24( function takes a time and makes sure it falls within a 24 hour period.
- timecode( -- The timecode( function returns a timecode string corresponding to an integer.
- timedifference( -- The timedifference( function calculates the difference between two times. It works correctly even if the interval between the two times crosses over midnight.
- timeinterval( -- The timeinterval( function calculates the time interval between two times. It works correctly even if the interval between the two times crosses over midnight.
- timepattern( -- The timepattern( function converts a number representing a time into text. The function uses a pattern to control how the time is formatted.
- timerexists( -- The timerexists( function checks to see whether a timer exists.
- timerinfo( -- The timerinfo( function returns a dictionary that contains all of the properties of a timer.
- timestampstr( -- The timestampstr( function generates a time stamp string. the format is the last three digits are in milliseconds (though this value is only accurate to 1/60th of a second).
- timestr( -- The timestr( function converts a number to text in am/pm time format.
- timezoneabbreviation( -- The timezoneabbreviation( function returns the abbreviation of the specified time zone.
- timezonename( -- The timezonename( function returns the continent and city of the specified time zone.
- titlecase( -- The titlecase( function capitalizes first character of each word, but not articles, prepositions, and conjunctions under 5 characters (unless they are the first or last word in the text).
- today( -- The today( function returns a number corresponding to today's date.
- tokenname( -- The tokenname( function returns the name of a field or variable (instead of the value contained in the field or variables).
- trim( -- The trim( function removes characters from the right edge of the text.
- trimleft( -- The trimleft( function removes one or more characters from the left edge of the text.
- trimstart( -- The trimstart( function removes one or more characters from the start of the text.
- true( -- The true( function returns true.
- tsvtocsv( -- The tsvtocsv( function converts tab separated text into comma separated text.
- tsvtojson( -- The tsvtojson( function converts tab separated text into JSON formatted text.
- typecreatorcode( -- The typecreatorcode( function returns the 8 character TYPE and CREATOR codes for a filename (if any).
- uncloakeddatabasename( -- The uncloakeddatabasename( function converts the internal server name of a database to the regular "uncloaked" name.
- unionrectangle( -- The unionrectangle( function creates a rectangle by combining two rectangles. The new rectangle is large enough to exactly cover both of the input rectangles.
- uniqueid( -- The uniqueid( function generates ID codes with a text root and a numeric suffix (for example `Jeff261`).
- unixpath( -- The unixpath( function converts an HFS path into a UNIX path.
- unixshellpath( -- The unixshellpath( function converts a path and filename into a POSIX path that can be embedded within the shellscript statement.
- unixshellstring( -- The unixshellstring( function encodes text for use as a parameter to a unix shell command.
- unixtimesuperdate( -- The unixtimesuperdate( function converts a 13 digit UNIX epoch date/time (including milliseconds) into a Panorama superdate.
- updatingwindow( -- The updatingwindow( function returns true if in a formula that is being displayed on a form, otherwise false.
- upper( -- The upper( function converts text to UPPER CASE (all caps).
- upperword( -- The upperword( function converts text to Initial Caps.
- url( -- The url( function synchronously loads a resource from the internet.
- urldecode( -- The urldecode( function decodes text that contains percent encoded characters.
- urlencode( -- The urlencode( function converts text into a legal URL (by converting spaces into `%20`). WARNING: THIS FUNCTION IS OBSOLETE.
- urlfilename( -- The urlfilename( function extracts the filename from a complete url.
- urlpath( -- The urlpath( function extracts the path from a URL.
- urltask( -- The urltask( function asynchronously loads a resource from the internet.
- uspssecondaryunits( -- The uspssecondaryunits( function returns a list of USPS (United States Postal Service) secondary suffix designation abbreviations.
- uspsstreetsuffixes( -- The uspsstreetsuffixes( function returns a list of USPS street suffix abbreviations.
- utf8tomac( -- The utf8tomac( function translates text from UTF8 (Unicode) into Panorama's native text format.
- v( -- The v( function returns the vertical position of a point (see point(, Graphic Coordinates).
- val( -- The val( function converts text into a number.
- validnumber( -- The validnumber( function checks to see if a numeric value is valid.
- views( -- The views( function lists views in open databases.
- visiblefieldnumbers( -- The visiblefieldnumbers( function returns a data array of visible fields (by number) in the data sheet.
- visiblefields( -- The visiblefields( function returns a list of visible fields in the data sheet.
- voiceinfo( -- The voiceinfo( function returns information about a speech synthesis voice.
- vtab( -- The vtab( function generates a vertical tab.
- vtabtocr( -- The vtabtocr( function converts vertical tabs (ASCII 0x0B) into carrige returns (ASCII 0x0D).
- webfontsubstitutes( -- The webfontsubstitutes( function generates an array of standard font substitutions for web browsers.
- webformallitems( -- The webformallitems( function returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server as a carriage return separated list.
- webformerrors( -- The webformerrors( function returns a list of errors that have been collected with the WebFormItemCheck statement.
- webformhiddenitems( -- The webformhiddenitems( function returns a list of the hidden items in the web form submitted to this web procedure.
- webformitembang( -- The webformitembang( function returns an exclamation point, icon or symbol to indicate an error in a web form for data entry.
- webformitemerror( -- The webformitemerror( function returns the error for a specific web form item, if any (used when processing a web query with Panorama Server).
- webformitemnames( -- The webformitemnames( function returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server as a carriage return separated list.
- webformitems( -- The webformitems( function returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server, including both visible and invisible items (but excluding the special items Panorama generates for its own internal use).
- webformlink( -- The webformlink( function generates a link to a Panorama form on the current web site (the link will open in a new browser window).
- webformlinknewwindow( -- The webformlinknewwindow( function generates a link to a Panorama form on the current web site.
- webformmissingfields( -- The webformmissingfields( function lists required fields that were not been entered into a web form.
- webformname( -- The webformname( function when processing data input into a web form, this function returns the name of the Panorama form associated with the web form (if any).
- webformvisibleitems( -- The webformvisibleitems( function returns a list of the visible items in the web form submitted to this web procedure.
- webhomesubfolder( -- The webhomesubfolder( function returns the folder ID of a subfolder of the web server's home folder.
- weblink( -- The weblink( function builds an HTML link tag
- weblinknewwindow( -- The weblinknewwindow( function builds an HTML link tag
- webserverinfo( -- The webserverinfo( function retrieves additional information about the web server and the current browser request.
- webtagortext( -- The webtagortext( function prepares text for display in a web page.
- webtext( -- The webtext( function converts a number or regular text into text encoded for display in a web browser.
- webthisrecordkey( -- The webthisrecordkey( function makes a key for use with the WebURLSelect statement to specify the current record.
- week1st( -- The week1st( function computes the first day of a week (Sunday).
- weekvalue( -- The weekvalue( function extracts the week from a date as a numeric value.
- white( -- The white( function returns white as a Panorama color value (see Colors).
- window( -- The window( function returns the name of the current window.
- windowglobalvalue( -- The windowglobalvalue( function accesses a windowglobal variable from other windows.
- windowinfo( -- The windowinfo( function returns information about an open window: its name, type, database, location, etc.
- word( -- The word( function converts a number into a single word (2 bytes) of binary data (see Binary Data).
- wordarray( -- The wordarray( function extracts a value from an array of 16 bit words (see Binary Data).
- wordcount( -- The wordcount( function returns the number of words in the text.
- xtag( -- The xtag( function generates an HTML/XML tag.
- xtagvalue( -- The xtagvalue( function extracts the text from the first matching HTML or XML tag.
- xytoxy( -- The xytoxy( function converts a point or rectangle from one co-ordinate system to another.
- year1st( -- The year1st( function computes the first day of a year.
- years( -- The years( function converts a number of days into a number of years.
- yearsbetween( -- The yearsbetween( function calculates the number of years between two dates.
- yearvalue( -- The yearvalue( function extracts the year from a date as a numeric value.
- yoke( -- The yoke( function appends two text items together, with a joiner between them if both are non-blank.
- zbpattern( -- The zbpattern( function converts a number to text using a pattern, but returns empty text if the number is zero.
- zeroblank( -- The zeroblank( function tells Panorama to treat zeroes as empty space.
- zipdistance( -- The zipdistance( function calculates the distance between two zip codes.
- ziplatitude( -- The ziplatitude( function returns the latitude of a US zip code.
- ziplongitude( -- The ziplongitude( function returns the longitude of a US zip code.
- zlogging( -- The zlogging( function returns true if zlogging is enabled for the current database and procedure, otherwise false.