Getting Started
- Getting Started with Panorama X -- whether you are a brand new Panorama user or are moving up from a previous version, you'll find great tips for getting out of the blocks quickly.
- Tutorial -- basic step-by-step lessons for learning Panorama X, including data entry, searching, sorting, analyzing, creating forms and basic programming.
- Panorama Help Wizard -- learn how to get the most from Panorama's online help wizard, including choosing a realm, searching for a specific topic, and opening multiple help windows.
- Panorama Video Training -- learn how to get the most from Panorama's video training wizard, including finding a video, zooming the video, opening related help topics, and purchasing on-demand training videos.
- Panorama Server -- sharing a database across multiple computers, or even across the entire internet.
- Release Notes -- detailed list of what's new in every Panorama X version.
User Interface
- Menus -- overview of Panorama X menu bars.
- Toolbars -- using and customizing window toolbars.
- Undo -- using the Undo command to reverse one or more recent actions.
- View Menu -- accessing and creating the data sheet, forms and procedures.
- View Organizer -- rearranging, copying and deleting views.
- Data Sheet -- a window that displays the database information in rows and columns.
- Forms -- display data with a customizable graphic layout.
- Procedures -- basics of procedures for automation.
Files & Views
- Automatic Startup Database -- automatically open one or more databases when Panorama is launched.
- Auxiliary Databases -- automatically opening multiple databases associated with each other.
- Creating a New Database -- creating a new database.
- Find & Open -- searching for a database on the hard drive and opening it.
- Join Databases -- joining another database into the current database (relational join).
- Open Favorites -- quickly open commonly used databases.
- Open Recent -- quickly re-open recently used databases.
- Open View -- using the Open View window to quickly access any form, procedure or data sheet.
- View Organizer -- rearranging, copying and deleting views.
- View Search -- persistent, comprehensive search of procedures and forms in one or multiple databases.
Fields & Data
Searching & Sorting
Analyzing Data
Morphing Data
Relational Links
Import & Export
Text Editing & Display
Text Lists & Matrixes
- Formulas -- basics of formulas: components and grammar.
- Formula Workshop -- formula workshop wizard for testing and experimenting with formulas.
- Constants -- values embedded into a formula.
- Arithmetic Formulas -- mathematical operators and functions.
- Date Arithmetic Formulas -- performing calculations on dates, and converting between dates and text.
- Text Formulas -- manipulating text with a formula (concatenation, extraction, rearranging, etc.)
- True/False Formulas -- logical boolean calculations.
- Variables -- storing and retrieving individual items of data, not part of a database.
- Action Menu -- simple way to create your own menu items.
- Code -- basics of programming code.
- Control Flow -- making decisions about what code should be executed in response to changing conditions.
- Debug Instrumentation -- conditional logging of the internal state of Panorama program code.
- Procedure Editor -- editing named procedures.
- Procedure Recorder -- recording database actions as code.
- Procedures -- basics of procedures for automation.
- Program Error Handling -- handling errors and exceptions that occur when a program is running.
- Scripting -- embedding scripting languages (AppleScript, shell scripts, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, etc.) into Panorama program code.
- Statements -- index of all statements available for use in Panorama procedures.
- Subroutines -- writing code that can be called from other code.
- Accessing the Clipboard -- reading from and writing to the system's clipboard.
- Alerts -- displaying a variety of standard modal alerts.
- Automatic Field Code -- running a short program when data is entered into a field.
- Channels -- provide a standard way to interface with external resources (email servers, phones, web sites etc.)
- Coding with Debug Instrumentation -- modifying your code to generate debug instrumentation output.
- copyindentedcode -- The copyindentedcode statement copies the selected code with 4 space indent (for pasting into the Panorama forum).
- Crash Proof Debug Instrumentation Monitoring -- real time crash-proof instrumentation monitoring
- Custom Dialogs -- creating custom dialogs using forms.
- Custom Menus -- creating custom menus, menu bars and pop-up menus (and customizing standard menus).
- Custom Statements -- creating your own custom statements that can be used in your code.
- Customizing Debug Instrumentation Coverage -- specifying what code is being debugged at the moment.
- Database Navigation & Editing -- using program code to navigate within a database, and to add and remove database records.
- Debug Instrumentation Log Window -- dynamically monitor debug instrumentation output as your program runs.
- Debug Instrumentation Monitoring using an External Program -- monitoring debug instrumentation with an external program (,
- Debug Instrumentation Text File -- configuring and accessing the debug instrumentation log (text) file.
- Drag and Drop -- dragging data to and from a Panorama form.
- Generating & Analyzing HTML -- generating HTML code from data, and extracting data from structured HTML.
- Internet Access -- accessing information from web servers.
- Program Access to Databases -- using a program to create, open, import or export databases.
- Programmable Database Administration -- using a program to access and/or modify the structure of a database.
- Programmable Form Management -- using a program to work with forms.
- Programmable Graphics -- using program code to create and modify graphic objects in a form.
- Programmable Outlines -- using a program to create and manipulate data outlines.
- Programmable Printing -- using program code to print reports, mailing labels, etc.
- Programmable Searching -- using program code to search and select data.
- Programmable Sorting -- using program code to sort a database.
- Programmable Text Export -- using a program to export text from a database.
- Programmable Window Management -- using a program to arrange windows.
- Programming Database Fields -- using a program to add and remove database fields.
- Recording Code Triggers in Debug Instrumentation -- the code triggers option automatically tracks whenever any code is triggered, whether from a menu, a button, or implicitly (for example when data is entered).
- Recording Control Flow in Debug Instrumentation -- configure debug instrumentation to automatically log when control flow is non-linear, for example a call, return, goto, etc.
- Speech Programming -- using program code to convert data to speech (voice).
- Suppressing Display -- temporarily disabling display of changes in a program (to reduce "flickering" and increase performance).
- Timer Workshop -- provides a tool for monitoring timers and testing timer configurations.
- Timers -- executing recurring periodic background code at fixed intervals.
- Transforming Data -- using program code to modify data in bulk.
- Triggers -- finding out what event triggered the execution of program code.
- Index -- index of all help topics.
- Release Notes -- detailed list of what's new in every Panorama X version.
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