The buildfavoritesmenu statement builds the Favorite Databases menu.
No parameters.
This statement builds the Favorite Databases menu.
This statement is used by Panorama when it starts up, and by the Favorite Databases wizard when a favorite is added or removed. You would normally never need to use this statement unless you manually added or removed favorites.
See Also
- abortalldialogs -- closes all open dialog windows (with prejudice).
- abortifstructurelocked -- Check if database structure is locked, if it is, notify user and stop program.
- activegrid -- manages the operation of a grid that controls a series of options.
- activeobjectaction -- allows a procedure to communicate with the object on the current form that is currently being edited (if any).
- addfield -- adds a new field to the current database (on the end).
- addlines -- adds a specified number of records to the end of a database.
- addmultiplerecords -- Adds multiple records.
- addrecord -- adds a new record at the end of the current database.
- addrelatedrecord -- adds a new record to the related database corresponding to the current database.
- addremotehost -- makes a remote host available to this computer.
- adjustobjectspacing -- adjusts the spacing of selected objects in a form.
- adjustobjectspacingdialog -- opens a dialog sheet to adjust the spacing of the currently selected objects.
- adjustservervariable -- adjusts the value of a server variable. This is an "atomic" operation, so it is multi-user friendly.
- alert -- displays a modal alert window with a message and one or more buttons.
- alertcanceldelete -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Cancel* and *Delete*.
- alertcancelok -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Cancel* and *Ok*.
- alertdeletecancel -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Delete* and *Cancel*.
- alertmodal -- displays a modal alert sheet (not attached to any window) with a message and one or more buttons.
- alertnoyes -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *No* and *Yes*.
- alertok -- displays a modal alert window with a message and one button: *Ok*
- alertokcancel -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Ok* and *Cancel*.
- alertoksmall -- displays a modal alert window with a message and one button: *Ok*
- alertrevertcancel -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Revert* and *Cancel*.
- alertsavecancel -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Save* and *Cancel*.
- alertsheet -- displays an alert sheet (attached to the current window) with a message and one or more buttons. Note: with the introduction of OS 11, Big Sur, sheets no longer appear to slide down from the title bar, but open a dialog centered on the active window.
- alerttimestampmismatches -- display mismatched time stamps.
- alertyesno -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Yes* and *No*.
- alertyesnocancel -- displays a modal alert window with a message and three buttons: *Yes*, *No* and *Cancel*.
- analyzedialog -- opens the standard Analyze dialog.
- append -- appends a text string to a field or variable.
- appenddictionaryvalue -- appends a value to an item in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- appendline -- appends a text string to a field or variable on a new line.
- applescript -- executes an AppleScript.
- arrayboth -- creates a new array from two existing arrays. The new array contains only items that are in both of the original arrays.
- arraybuild -- builds an array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every record (including invisible records) in the database (see Text Arrays).
- arraydeduplicate -- removes duplicate elements from an array (see Text Arrays).
- arraydifference -- creates a new array from two existing text arrays. The new array contains only items that are in the first array but *not* in the second array.
- arrayfilter -- processes each element of an array with a formula (see Text Arrays).
- arrayintegersort -- sorts all the numeric elements of a text array in proper numeric order.
- arraymultisort -- sorts a two-dimensional array on the key of one or more of its columns.
- arraynumericsort -- sorts all the numeric elements of a text array in proper numeric order.
- arraynumerictotal -- totals all the numeric elements of a text array.
- arrayrandomize -- reorders an array in random order.
- arrayrelocate -- moves one or more items in a text array to a new position.
- arrayselectedbuild -- builds an array by scanning a database and creating an array element for every visible (selected) record in the database (see Text Arrays).
- arraysort -- sorts the elements in an array (see Text Arrays).
- arraystrip -- strips blank elements from an array.
- arraytoggle -- "toggles" a value within an array.
- arrayunpropagate -- scans an array from top to bottom, removing duplicate values in a row.
- assign -- assigns a value to a field or variable.
- assignfield -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *assignfield* statement only performs the assignment to a database field, not to any variable.
- assignfieldwithsideeffects -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *assignfieldwithsideeffects* statement only performs the assignment to a database field, not to any variable. After performing the assignment, it will run any side effects associated with the field, including formulas and code associated with the field.
- assignfileglobal -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *assignfileglobal* statement only performs the assignment to a fileglobal variable.
- assignglobal -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *assignglobal* statement only performs the assignment to a global variable.
- assignlocal -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *assignlocal* statement only performs the assignment to a local variable.
- assignservervariable -- assigns a value to a permanent variable on the server. If the server variable does not already exist, it will be created.
- assignwindowglobal -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *assignwindowglobal* statement only performs the assignment to a windowglobal variable.
- autoallfieldwidths -- automatically sets the width of all fields based on the data in each field.
- autofieldwidth -- automatically sets the width of the current field based on the data in it.
- automaticfieldchoices -- updates the current field's Choice list with actual data in the database.
- average -- calculates averages and sub-averages for the selected records in the current field.
- batchassign -- assigns a bunch of fields/variables to another bunch of fields/variables.
- batchreplace -- performs multiple find and replace operations on a piece of text.
- beep -- makes the computer speaker beep once.
- bestfitrectangle -- fits a rectangle within a boundary rectangle, enlarging or reducing as necessary to produce the best fit without changing the proportions.
- bigmessage -- displays a message alert.
- blockkeyboard -- temporarily suspends/resumes keyboard input.
- blueprintlibraries -- generates blueprints for all procedure library databases.
- blueprinttool -- handles clicks in the Blueprint Tool (graphic mode).
- bookmarkshareddatabase -- saves the local location of the current shared database.
- bringforward -- brings the selected form objects one layer towards the front.
- bringpanoramaforward -- brings Panorama forward, making it the active Application.
- bringtofront -- brings the selected form objects to the front.
- buildwizardmenus -- scans the wizard folder to build the Wizard menu and submenus.
- calcenclosingrectangle -- will calculate the rectangle surrounding all of the specified objects.
- call -- allows a procedure to call a separate procedure within the current database as a subroutine.
- callwithin -- allows a procedure to call a mini-procedure within a separate procedure within the current database as a subroutine.
- cancelok -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Cancel* and *Ok*.
- cardvalidate -- verifies that a number is a valid credit card number.
- case -- allows multiple decisions to be chained together (also see the elseif statement).
- catch -- works with try and endcatch to trap errors in a sequence of statements.
- cell -- enters a value into the currently active field (i.e. cell).
- cgitest -- tests a CGI procedure.
- change -- replaces text with new text in the current field (selected records only).
- changedictionaryname -- changes the name (key) of an item in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- changeobject -- modifies the properties of one object in a form.
- changeobjects -- modifies the properties of one or more objects in a form.
- changetimer -- modifies a repeating task that will be performed periodically when Panorama is not otherwise busy.
- changeword -- replaces one word with another in the current field (selected records only).
- changewordexact -- replaces one word with another in the current field (selected records only).
- channelactivemodule -- returns the currently active module for a channel, if any.
- channelcall -- calls a procedure in the active channel module.
- channelcatalog -- creates a list of all channel databases (including the path for each database).
- channelgetdictionary -- returns the current settings for a specified channel.
- channelinformation -- returns information about a specified channel.
- channelload -- loads a channel module.
- channelmodules -- returns a list of available modules for a specified channel type.
- channelopen -- opens a channel module for editing.
- channelpath -- returns the path of a specified channel module.
- channelprocedures -- returns a list of procedures available in a specified channel.
- channelsetdictionary -- saves new settings for a specified channel.
- channelswitch -- switches the active channel module.
- channeltypes -- returns a list of available channel types.
- characterfilter -- scans and filters text on a character by character basis.
- checkdesignlock -- checks if field structure can be changed, if not, returns an error.
- checkemptyselection -- notifies the user if a selection failed, and reverts to the previous selection.
- checkforupdates -- performs the same action as the *Check for Updates* menu item.
- checkserverconnection -- checks to see if the specified server is connected.
- checkserversynchronization -- checks the synchronization of the current database.
- checkstructurelock -- Check if database structure is locked, if it is, notify user and stop program.
- choosefiledialog -- displays a modal dialog allowing selection of files or folders.
- choosefolderdialog -- pauses and displays the standard “choose folder” dialog.
- clear -- deletes the contents of the current cell without touching the clipboard.
- clearcell -- deletes the contents of the current field.
- clearglobaldictionaryvalues -- clears (removes) all the keys and values from the specified global dictionary.
- clearrecord -- deletes the currently selected record.
- cleartypeahead -- clears any typed ahead characters that have been pressed while a procedure is running.
- clearundo -- clears out the undo stack, eliminating the ability to undo any previous action.
- clientimportallocaterecords -- contacts the server to allocate new records when importing or appending new data.
- clientimportuploaddata -- contacts the server to upload and insert new records to the server when importing or appending new data.
- clipboardimagesave -- saves an image on the clipboard as an image file (.jpg, .png, etc.).
- cloneform -- copies all of the objects in a form (optionally, with modifications) into the active form.
- cloneobjects -- duplicates objects in a form (with modifications).
- closeactiveobject -- closes any object whose text is currently being edited.
- closeallasyncprogresswindows -- closes any asynchronous progress windows.
- closeclonewindow -- is an alternative method to close the current window, works even if the window has no close box.
- closedatabase -- closes a specified database.
- closedatabaseactiveobjects -- stops all text editing associated with the current database.
- closedialog -- closes a form window that was previously opened with the opendialog statement.
- closedialogwindow -- is used internally by the rundialog statement.
- closefile -- closes the current database.
- closeserverfile -- closes the current database (used on the server).
- closewindow -- closes the current window.
- collapse -- hides the detail records associated with the currently active summary record.
- collapsetosummary -- collapses to the next higher summary level.
- colorwheel -- allows the user to pick a color using the operating systems standard color picker dialog
- columnstatsdialog -- opens the standard Column Stats dialog.
- Comments -- A *comment* is a note inside a program.
- commonfieldspopup -- pops up a list of common fields, and changes the current field specifications when a field is chosen from this menu.
- comparedictprocedures -- compares all the procedures from a dictionary with the procedures in a specified database.
- compress -- compresses a file or an entire folder.
- connecttoserver -- reconnects the current database to the server (after the dropserver statement has been used).
- console -- sends a message to the console log.
- constructcalendar -- creates the form elements for a monthly calendar.
- constructfields -- creates one or more new fields based on a template.
- constructfieldssheet -- opens a sheet to add/insert multiple new fields into the database.
- constructformdataeditors -- creates a column of form elements for editing data fields (or variables).
- constructlineitems -- creates a grid of line items.
- constructlistmatrix -- creates a text list or matrix in the current form.
- constructmailinglabel -- creates the form elements for printing mailing labels.
- constructreport -- creates a report in the current form.
- constructtabpanel -- creates a tab panel in the current form.
- controlsound -- controls playback of a sound file.
- convertvariablestoconstants -- converts all of the variables in a formula into constant values.
- copy -- copies the contents of the current field onto the clipboard.
- copycell -- copies the contents of the current field onto the clipboard,
replacing anything previously on the clipboard.
- copyfile -- copies a file (or folder).
- copyfolder -- copies an entire folder full of files (and subfolders, if any).
- copynewerfile -- copies a file to another name or location. However, the file is only copied if it is newer than the old file, otherwise the destination is not touched.
- copynewerfolder -- copies an entire folder full of files, but only copies newer files.
- copypartialdictionary -- builds a new dictionary and initializes it with values from an existing dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- copyrecord -- copies the contents of the current record onto the clipboard.
- count -- counts all non-empty data cells for the current field.
- countsummaries -- counts summary records.
- createpassword -- creates a random password using characters or numbers (or a mixture) set to the chosen length.
- crosstabdatabaseselectoriginal -- selects original data corresponding to a cell in an exported crosstab database.
- crosstabpopup -- handles a click on a crosstab text list.
- crosstabselectoriginalformula -- returns the formula that will select the original data associated with a crosstab cell.
- customdialog -- customizes the appearance of the gettext and getscrap dialogs.
- cut -- deletes the contents of the current field, copying it onto the clipboard.
- cutcell -- delete the contents of the current cell and places the deleted data on the clipboard.
- cutline -- copies the current record to the clipboard and deletes it.
- cutrecord -- copies the current record to the clipboard and deletes it.
- databaseconsoledump -- dumps the raw contents of the specified database to the console in comma delimited format.
- databaseexportcsv -- exports selected records in the current database in CSV format (comma separated) to a text file.
- databaseexportjson -- exports selected records in the current database in JSON format to a text file.
- databaseexporttsv -- exports selected records in the current database in TSV format (tab separated) to a text file.
- databaseexportusingformula -- exports selected records in the current database to a text file, using a formula.
- databaseoptionsdialog -- opens the standard Database Options dialog.
- datafocus -- makes sure that Panorama is focused on data, not on a property panel.
- datamode -- switches a form from graphics mode into data mode.
- datavalidationalert -- displays an alert when invalid data has been input.
- debug -- stops the current program, allowing you to examine variables or single step.
- defaultcase -- works together with the case statement to specify statements that will be executed if none of the *case* statements are true.
- define -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the *define* statement only performs the assignment if the variable is currently undefined. If the variable already has a value, the *define* statement leaves it alone. The *define* statement is especially useful for initializing permanent variables.
- definehotkeys -- defines one or more Hotkeys.
- defineservervariable -- defines the value of a permanent variable on the server. If the variable already exists, it is not touched.
- degree -- tells Panorama that all angles input to and calculated in trigonometric functions are in degrees rather than radians.
- delay -- loops for a specified period of time.
- deleteabove -- copies the current record to the clipboard and deletes it, then moves to the record above.
- deleteall -- removes all records, leaving a single blank record.
- deletechildren -- deletes all the records in another database that have a value in the key field that is equal to the key value.
- deletedictionaryvalue -- deletes a key/value pair from a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- deletefield -- deletes the current field from the database.
- deleteglobaldictionaryvalues -- deletes one or more global dictionary values.
- deletehotkeys -- deletes the hotkeys in a specific scope.
- deleteobject -- deletes the specified object from the current form.
- deleterecchildrenwarn -- warns you before deleting the current record from the active database and all the records in another database that have a value in the key field that is equal to the key value.
- deleterecord -- deletes the currently selected record.
- deleterecordandchildren -- This deletes the current record from the active database and all the records in another database that have a value in the key field that is equal to the key value.
- deleteselectedobjects -- deletes selected objects from a form.
- deletewebtemplate -- deletes the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- dialdigits -- dials one or more digits.
- dialphone -- dials one or more digits, adjusting for area codes, country codes, etc..
- dictionarydifference -- builds an array that lists keys of dictionary values that are different between two dictionaries (see Data Dictionaries).
- dictionaryvalueexists -- returns true or false depending on whether or not a key/value pair exists in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- disableabort -- prevents loops from being stopped early by pressing SHIFT-COMMAND-ESCAPE or by exceeding the maximum allowed loop time.
- disablefieldediting -- disables editing for a specified list of database fields (all others are enabled).
- disconnectedserver -- takes the current database offline without contacting the server.
- displaydata -- will display data in a large dialog with a scroll bar.
- displayhtml -- will display a dialog containing HTML. You can control the size of the dialog, as well as several appearance options.
- downloaddatabasefromserver -- downloads a database file from a Panorama server.
- downloaddatafromserver -- asynchronously downloads pre-calculated binary data from a Panorama server.
- downloadpartialdatabase -- downloads specified components of the current database from the server. The current database must be shared.
- downloadrecord -- downloads the current record from the connected server.
- downloadrecordwithwarning -- downloads the current record from the connected server, with a warning if the record is currently locked.
- downrecord -- moves the cursor down one visible record.
- dragarrayorder -- tracks dragging of a cell within a Matrix or Text List object, then reorders the array associated with that object accordingly.
- draggraybox -- facilitates dragging something around in a form window.
- dragtext -- starts drag-and-drop of text.
- dragwithinmatrix -- tracks dragging of a cell within a Matrix or Text List object.
- dropallshareddatabases -- drops the connection to all shared databases. Panorama uses this when the client is about to quit, could also be used if you know you are about to go offline.
- dropfromfinder -- processes any files or folders that have been dropped on a form from the finder.
- dropimagesfromfinder -- processes images that have been dropped on a form from the Finder. The images may be added to new records in the database or put in the current record.
- dropserver -- disconnects the current database from the server.
- dumpdictionary -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries).
- dumpdictionaryquoted -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries).
- duplicatefield -- duplicates the current field.
- duplicaterecord -- duplicates the current record.
- editcell -- opens the edit window for the currently active field (or cell), highlighting the data, and allows you to edit that field.
- editcellstop -- opens the edit window for the currently active field (or cell), highlighting the data, and allows you to edit that field.
- editcellwith -- opens the edit window for the currently active field (or cell), using the supplied alternate text.
- editfavoritesdialog -- handles the Favorites button in a dialog.
- editfield -- begins editing of the specified field.
- editfieldname -- opens the data sheet window's field properties inspector and selects the field name.
- else -- works together with the if statement to specify statements that will be executed for both the *true* and *false* cases.
- elseif -- allows multiple if decisions to be chained together.
- emptyfield -- tells Panorama to move to the next available (empty) field in a series of line item fields.
- emptyfill -- fills every empty visible cell in the active field with the specified value.
- enableabort -- allows the SHIFT-COMMAND-ESCAPE key sequence to stop an endless loop.
- endcase -- marks the end of statements controlled by a previoius case statement.
- endcatch -- works with try and catch to trap errors in a sequence of statements.
- endif -- marks the end of statements controlled by a previoius if statement.
- endloop -- is used at the end of a loop.
- endnoshow -- resumes the output of text and graphics after it has been disabled with the noshow statement.
- endshowlater -- resumes the immediate display of text and graphics after it has been deferred with the showlater statement.
- enterprisecall -- calls a procedure in a server database, opening and closing the database if necessary.
- excludefromrecentmenu -- excludes the next opened database from the Recent menu.
- execute -- allows a procedure to call a sequence of statements within the current procedure as a "mini-subroutine".
- executeapplescript -- compiles and runs an AppleScript.
- executeapplescriptformula -- executes an AppleScript, with embedded Panorama formulas.
- executeasap -- executes the specified code at the first possible opportunity, non-atomically.
- executecatcherrors -- is the same as the execute statement, except for the fact that if an error occurs while running, it can be trapped by an if error statement immediately following the executecatcherrors statement.
- executelocal -- is the same as the execute statement, but it shares local variables with the procedure that called it.
- executeperlscript -- executes Perl code.
- executesudounix -- executes a UNIX shell command using *sudo* (root) privileges.
- executeunix -- executes a UNIX shell command.
- expand -- reveals the next level of collapsed detail records associated with the currently active summary record.
- expandall -- reveals all collapsed detail records associated with the currently active summary record.
- export -- exports the selected rows in the current database into a text file.
- exportallprocedures -- saves all the procedures in an editable text format.
- exportjson -- exports the current database in JSON format.
- expressionstacksize -- does nothing.
- extendedexpressionstack -- does nothing.
- extensiontype -- returns the type code of the specified file (if any).
- farcall -- allows a procedure to call a separate procedure within a different database as a subroutine.
- farcallwithin -- allows a procedure to call a mini-procedure within a separate procedure in a different database as a subroutine.
- favoritedatabasedialog -- opens the standard Favorite Databases dialog.
- favoritesbutton -- handles the *Favorites* button in a dialog.
- field -- tells Panorama to move to the specified field for the current record.
- fieldblueprint -- creates blueprint code for the specified field.
- fieldblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the current field.
- fieldname -- changes the name of the current field.
- fieldstotextvariables -- copies database fields into variables.
- fieldtype -- changes the data type of the current field.
- fieldtypes -- returns a carriage return delimited array with list of fields and field data types.
- fileappend -- appends new data to an existing disk file.
- filecatalog -- creates a list of files in a folder, including any subfolders of that folder
- fileerase -- erases a disk file or a folder, removing it from the hard disk.
- fileglobal -- creates one or more fileglobal variables.
- filemenubar -- creates a custom menu bar or context menu for the current database (see Custom Menus).
- filerename -- renames and/or moves a file or folder.
- filesave -- saves data directly into a disk file.
- fill -- fills every visible cell in the active field with the specified value.
- fillall -- modifies the operation of the following *fill* statement so that all records are modified, not just visible records.
- find -- locates the first visible record in the active database for which the specified condition is true.
- findabove -- locates the next previous record (above the current record) in the active database for which the specified condition is true.
- findbackwards -- locates the last visible record in the active database for which the specified condition is true.
- findbelow -- locates the next visible record (below the current record) in the active database for which the specified condition is true.
- findid -- locates a record in the active database by its ID number (see info("serverrecordid").
- findnth -- finds the nth (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) record that matches a true-false test.
- findopendialog -- opens the standard *Find & Open* dialog.
- findrelated -- finds information that matches the current record in a related database.
- findreplacedialog -- opens the Find & Replace dialog.
- findselect -- opens the standard *Find/Select* dialog.
- findselectdialog -- opens the standard *Find/Select* dialog.
- finishtimecheck -- finishes a performance monitoring session.
- firstcolumn -- moves to the first column in the data sheet (leftmost column).
- firstrecord -- makes the first visible (selected) record in the database the active record.
- fixsuperdates -- fixes Panorama 6 SuperDates in current field.
- folderinfo -- calculates the total size of a folder, and the number of files in the folder.
- fontinformation -- accesses information about a font (see also the fontinfo( function).
- for -- is used at the beginning of a loop that loops a fixed number of times.
- forcelockrecord -- immediately locks the current record.
- forcesynchronize -- force synchronizes the local database with Panorama Server (downloads all records, not just recently modified ones).
- forcesynchronizeall -- force synchronizes all open databases.
- forceunlockallrecords -- immediately unlocks all records in the current database.
- forceunlockdatabaserecord -- immediately unlocks an arbitrary record in the specified server database.
- forceunlockrecord -- immediately unlocks the current record.
- formblueprint -- creates blueprint code for the specified form.
- formblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the current form.
- formcleanview -- cleans up extraneous NSView objects in the current form.
- formcolor -- changes the background color of the current form.
- formconstructordialog -- opens a generic form constructor dialog.
- formobjectblueprint -- creates blueprint code for specified form object.
- formoptionsblueprintsheet -- opens a dialog sheet to edit the blueprint of the current form options.
- formtodatamode -- switches the current form window to data mode.
- formtographicsmode -- switches the current form window to graphics mode.
- formulabuffer -- does nothing.
- formulacalc -- allows you to evaluate a formula that you were not able to
code into the procedure when it was being written.
- formulafill -- fills every visible cell in the active field with the result of the specified formula.
- formulafillallfields -- fills every visible cell in all fields with the result of the specified formula.
- formulamerge -- merges data into a template.
- formulasum -- calculates a total by scanning a database, returning the accumulated sum of evaluating a formula over and over again for each scanned record.
- formulavalue -- calculates the result of a formula. Usually this is done with an assignment statement (for example `x=2 * y` ), but the *formulavalue* statement gives you more flexibility. You can specify what database is to be used for the calculation (an assignment statement always uses the current database) and you can specify the formula using a variable, making it easy to change on the fly. This statement also gives you more control over how errors are handled.
- formxy -- programmatically scrolls a form to a new position.
- getaddress -- divides the last line of an address into separate components.
- getautonumber -- returns the automatically generated number for the next record that will be added to the database.
- getbutton -- retrieves the coordinates of the last button that was pressed (in global screen co-ordinates).
- getcitystatezip -- divides the last line of an address into separate components.
- getclick -- returns the location of the mouse in global coordinates (coordinates from the top left corner of the screen).
- getdictionarykey -- returns the key of an item in the dictionary, given its value. This is essentially the opposite of the getdictionaryvalue( function (see Data Dictionaries).
- getdictionaryvalue -- returns the value of an item in the dictionary, given its key (see Data Dictionaries).
- getfieldproperties -- returns a dictionary that contains all of the properties of the specified field.
- getformulatext -- converts a formula into text without special quote characters.
- getinternalbutton -- retrieves the coordinates of the last button that was pressed (in form relative coordinates).
- getlocalbutton -- retrieves the coordinates of the last button that was pressed (in window relative coordinates).
- getlocalclick -- returns the location of the most recent mouse click in local coordinates (coordinates from the top left corner of the current form).
- getmaxwindow -- retrieves the position and size of the largest possible window on the main screen.
- getname -- divides a person's full name into separate components.
- getproceduretext -- gets the contents (source) of a procedure and places it in a variable.
- getscrap -- will display a dialog with a text entry area. The entered text is placed in the clipboard.
- getscrapok -- will display a dialog with a text entry area. The entered text is placed in the clipboard.
- getserverlog -- retrieves information from one or more server logs.
- gettaglocation -- locates the first matching tag within some text.
- gettaglocations -- locates all matching tags within some text.
- gettext -- will display a dialog with a text entry area.
- gettextdialog -- displays a configurable modal dialog that asks the user to enter an item of text.
- gettextokcancel -- displays a modal dialog that asks the user to enter an item of text.
- getwebcolor -- will calculate an RGB color from a Netscape style web color.
- getwebtabletemplate -- converts a web table template (created by the Text Export Wizard) into the format compatible with the HTMLDataTable statement.
- getwebtemplate -- retrieves the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- getwebtemplatetext -- retrieves the text of the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- getwindow -- retrieves the position and size of the current window.
- giantmessage -- displays a message alert.
- global -- creates one or more global variables.
- globaldictionarybuild -- builds a global dictionary by scanning a database.
- globalmenubar -- creates a custom menu bar or context menu for all windows (intended only for internal use by ProVUE Development).
- goform -- switches the current window to a different form.
- goto -- allows a procedure to arbitrarily jump from one spot to another
within the procedure.
- gotofielddialog -- opens the standard dialog for jumping to a specific field (in the Fields menu).
- grabformula -- evaluates a formula using data from another database.
- grabwebformitems -- grabs multiple web form items and stuffs the values into fields and/or variables.
- graphicsmode -- switches a form into graphics mode.
- groupdown -- divides the database into groups, with a summary record at the end of each group. The groups are arranged in descending order (high to low).
- groupup -- divides the database into groups, with a summary record at the end of each group. The groups are arranged in ascending order (low to high).
- growl -- displays a notification.
- growlmessage -- displays a notification.
- hide -- temporarily disables the output of text and graphics.
- hideaccessorypanel -- closes the current window's accessory panel.
- hidecurrentfield -- hides the current field in the data sheet.
- hidefieldsbetween -- shows all fields except those in between specified numbers.
- hidelineitemfields -- hides all line item fields.
- hideotherapplications -- hides all other applications, leaving only Panorama visible.
- hidepanorama -- hides Panorama X, making all windows disappear.
- hidethesefields -- hides specific fields in the data sheet, making all others visible.
- hostdatabases -- downloads a list of available databases on a Panorama X Server.
- hostdownload -- downloads a shared file to this computer, prompting the user for the location.
- htmlarraytable -- generates an HTML table from an arrray.
- htmldatamerge -- uses a template to generate HTML you want from a database.
- htmldatatable -- generates an HTML table from selected data in the current database.
- htmlextractimages -- extracts the image URLs from an HTML page.
- htmlextractlinks -- extracts the links from an HTML page.
- htmlformitemnames -- returns a list of form input elements (*INPUT* tags, etc.) within an HTML page.
- htmltabletoarray -- converts an HTML table into a text array.
- if -- decides what code to execute next.
- ifselect -- combines the select and if info("empty") operations into a single statement.
- importdatabase -- imports data from another database into the current database.
- importdatabasedialog -- opens the standard Import Database dialog.
- importdictprocedures -- converts source code exported by the ExportAllProcedures statement into a dictionary.
- importform -- imports a form into a database.
- importjson -- imports a JSON array into the current database.
- importjsonline -- imports a JSON record into the current record.
- importline -- imports a line of text into the current record.
- importprocedure -- imports a procedure into a database.
- importrawdata -- imports raw binary data into an existing database.
- importtext -- imports text into an existing database.
- increment -- increments a field or variable.
- insertbelow -- inserts a new record below the current record.
- insertbelowcarriagereturn -- inserts a new record below the current record and moves to the first column.
- insertfield -- inserts a new field into the database in front of the current field.
- insertnewproceduremark -- inserts a new mark into the current procedure.
- insertrecord -- inserts a new record above the current record.
- installpanoramacgi -- installs Panoramax.cgi for use with external web server.
- ipaddress -- returns the current IP address of the computer, or "" if not connected.
- join -- joins data from another database into the current database.
- joindialog -- opens the standard Join Database dialog.
- joinonerecord -- joins matching data from another database into the current record.
- lastcolumn -- move to the last column in the data sheet (rightmost column).
- lastrecord -- makes the last visible (selected) record in the database the active record.
- launch -- launches an application.
- left -- makes the previous field active in the active window.
- let -- creates a local variable and assigns a value to it.
- letfileglobal -- creates a fileglobal variable and assigns a value to it.
- letglobal -- creates a global variable and assigns a value to it.
- letpermanent -- creates a permanent variable and assigns a value to it.
- letservervariable -- creates a server variable and assigns a value to it.
- letwindowglobal -- creates a windowglobal variable and assigns a value to it.
- listdictionarynames -- returns a list of the names (keys) in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- listwebtables -- generates a list of web tables (generated by the Text Export wizard) in the specified database.
- listwebtemplates -- retrieves a list of web templates in the specified database, if any.
- loadallprocedures -- loads all the procedures from a dictionary into the current database.
If a procedure doesn't exist it will be created.
- loadcustomfunctions -- reloads all ProVUE defined custom functions.
- loadlibrary -- loads a library database into memory.
- loadurl -- loads a resource from the internet.
- local -- creates one or more local variables.
- localparameters -- creates one or more local variables and assigns parameter values to them.
- lockedrecordlist -- returns a list of records locked in the current database.
- lockorstop -- attempts to lock the current record. If the record is currently locked by another user, the procedure stops with an error
- lockrecord -- attempts to lock the current record, and waits if it is currently locked by another user.
- loop -- is used at the beginning of a loop.
- looparray -- is used at the beginning of a loop that loops over the elements of an array.
- loopdataarray -- is used at the beginning of a loop that loops over the elements of a data array.
- loopindex -- allows a procedure to determine how many times a loop has been repeated.
- loopwhile -- is used at the beginning of a loop.
- macoscomputername -- returns the name of this computer.
- mactoutf8 -- translates text from Panorama format to UTF8 (Unicode).
- magicformwindow -- designates an open window as the temporary active window for the purposes of info( functions and graphic statements.
- magicwindow -- designates an open window as the temporary active window for the purposes of info( functions and graphic statements.
- magnification -- changes the magnification of a form.
- makeabsolutepath -- converts a relative path (relative to the current database) to an absolute path.
- makefileglobals -- creates one or more fileglobal variables, and assigns a value to each new variable.
- makefilesecret -- closes all of the windows associated with a file, but keeps the file open in memory.
- makefolder -- creates a new folder, and if necessary, also creates any enclosing folders needed to create the specified new folder.
- makeformwebtemplate -- converts a Panorama form into the equivalent HTML/CSS.
- makeglobals -- creates one or more global variables, and assigns a value to each new variable.
- makelocals -- creates one or more local variables, and assigns a value to each new variable.
- makemergeformula -- makes a formula from a template.
- makenewform -- creates a new form in the current database.
- makenewprocedure -- creates a new procedure in the current database.
- makenumberedarray -- generates a numeric sequenced text array.
- makepackage -- creates a new package, and if necessary, also creates any enclosing folders needed to create the specified new package.
- makesecret -- makes the current database disappear, while leaving it open in memory.
- matrixbutton -- helps implement buttons in a matrix object.
- matrixbuttonhelper -- helps implement buttons in a matrix object.
- matrixclick -- will run the code belonging to an object that was clicked within a matrix frame.
- matrixclickedobjectid -- helps implement buttons in a matrix object.
- matrixredrawclickedcell -- redraws the matrix cell that was just clicked.
- maximum -- calculates the maximum and sub-maximums for the current field.
- mergedictionaries -- merges the contents of two or more dictionaries (see Data Dictionaries).
- mergefieldsdialog -- opens the standard *Merge Fields* dialog.
- message -- displays a modal alert window with a message.
- minimum -- calculates the minimum and sub-minimums for the current field.
- modifyfileattributes -- modifies one or more attributes of a file (or folder).
- morphalldialog -- opens the standard MorphAll dialog.
- morphdialog -- opens the standard Morph dialog.
- movefieldbefore -- moves the current field to a new position.
- moveobjects -- will move an object or group of objects up, down, left or right on the form.
- moverecorddown -- moves the current record down one line.
- moverecordup -- moves the current record up one line.
- newdatabase -- creates a new database.
- newdatabaseusingblueprint -- creates a new database from a blueprint.
- newdatabasewithfields -- creates a new database with one or more fields.
- newdatabasewithjson -- creates a new database using a JSON file.
- newdatabasewithtemplate -- creates a new database with a template.
- newdatabasewithtextfieldnames -- creates a new database from a text file. The text file must contain the field names in the first line.
- newformobject -- creates a new graphic object in a form.
- newformusingblueprint -- creates a new form from a blueprint.
- newsearchgadget -- creates a search gadget in the current form.
- nextmatch -- locates the next visible record in the active database for which the condition specified in the most recent Find statement is true.
- nextvalue -- advances a variable or field to the next value in a list.
- noimplicitassignment -- does nothing, and is only retained for compatibility with earlier versions.
- nop -- does nothing (**n**o **op**eration).
- normalexpressionstack -- does nothing.
- noshow -- temporarily disables the output of text and graphics.
- noundo -- does nothing (it used to disable undo).
- nowatchcursor -- does nothing, and is only retained for compatibility with earlier versions.
- noyes -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *No* and *Yes*.
- nslog -- sends a message to the console log.
- nsnotify -- delivers a notification.
- object -- selects an object (based on the object name).
- objectaction -- allows a procedure to communicate with an object on the current form.
- objectid -- selects one graphic object in the current form based on an ID number.
- objectnumber -- identifies one graphic object from a set of selected graphic objects in the current form.
- okcancel -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Ok* and *Cancel*.
- onerror -- can be used to catch all errors that are not trapped by if error or try statements.
- onfailedresume -- is used to setup a semi-graceful recovery if a resume statement fails because there was no pause statement.
- openanything -- opens a document or application.
- openasyncprogresswindow -- opens a floating progress window for asynchronous operations (urltask(, timers).
- openclonewindow -- opens a clone of the current window.
- opendatabase -- opens a database file.
- opendialog -- opens a form from the current database as a modal dialog box.
- opendialogsheet -- opens a form from the current database as a sheet dialog (attached to the current window).
- openfarform -- opens a form in another database.
- openfile -- opens a database file. It can also import data from a text file, another database, or a variable into the current database.
- openfiledialog -- pauses and displays the standard “open file” dialog.
- openform -- opens a form in the current database in a new window.
- openlivecoursecalendar -- Opens the Live Course Calendar window.
- openmapwindow -- opens a window displaying a map of a location.
- openplain -- opens a database without opening any pre-saved windows, just the data sheet.
- openpreferenceswindow -- opens the Panorama Preferences window.
- openprocedure -- opens a procedure in the current database in a new window.
- opensavedwindows -- opens windows that were open the last time file was saved.
- opensecret -- opens a database invisibly, without opening its windows.
- openserverfile -- opens a database (used on the server).
- opensheet -- opens the data sheet window for the current database in a new window.
- opensoftwareupdatewindow -- opens the Panorama Software Update window.
- opentextfile -- imports data from a text file or a variable into the current database.
- openurl -- opens a URL (usually a web page or to create an e-mail message).
- openurlinbackground -- opens a URL (usually a web page or to create an e-mail message) without bringing forward the app that handles the URL (in other words, Panorama remains the frontmost application).
- openviewdialog -- opens the standard Open View dialog (in the View Menu).
- openviewsearch -- opens a View Search window.
- openwebmap -- opens a web browser window displaying a map of a location.
- openwith -- opens a document with a specific application.
- openwithterminal -- opens an application in a new window (useful for debugging).
- openwizard -- opens a wizard, just as it would be opened by selecting that wizard from the menubar.
- originalwindow -- goes back to the window remembered by the RememberWindow statement.
- outlinelevel -- expands or collapses the entire database to show a specific level of data or summary level.
- pagesetup -- displays the page setup dialog.
- panoramaappvisibility -- allows the Panorama X dock and menu bar to be hidden.
- partialdatabaseupdate -- updates one or more components of an existing database.
- paste -- pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current field.
- pastecell -- pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current cell.
- pasteline -- inserts a new record containing the contents of the clipboard.
- pasterecord -- inserts a new record containing the contents of the clipboard.
- pause -- temporarily pauses a procedure.
- pausespeaking -- pauses any talking that is currently happening.
- perl -- executes a Perl script (program).
- permanent -- creates one or more permanent variables.
- php -- executes a PHP script (program).
- playsound -- starts playing a sound file.
- pleaseselectall -- makes sure that all records are selected.
- popup -- makes a pop-up menu appear anywhere on the screen.
- popupatmouse -- displays a pop-up menu at the current mouse location.
- popupbelowbutton -- displays a pop-up menu in response to clicking on a button.
- popupbutton -- displays a pop-up menu in response to clicking on a button.
- popupbynumber -- makes a pop-up menu appear anywhere on the screen.
- popupclick -- displays a pop-up menu at the current mouse location.
- popupdoublefieldchoices -- displays a pop-up menu listing values in a specified field, with submenus containing values from a second field.
- popupfieldchoices -- displays a pop-up menu listing values in a specified field.
- popupsharingmenu -- pops up a menu for the toolbar sharing icon.
- posixtask -- executes a POSIX shell script in the background using NSTask.
- post -- assigns a value to a field in another database.
- postadjust -- adjusts the value of a numeric field in another database, by adding (or subtracting) a number.
- posttorelated -- posts data in the current record to the corresponding record in a related database.
- posturl -- loads a resource from the internet, with form data.
- previousmatch -- locates the previous (closer to the top) visible record in the active database for which the condition specified in the most recent Find statement is true.
- print -- prints the database.
- printonemultiple -- prints a form over and over again without advancing from record to record. Instead of advancing from record to record, a variable is incremented each time the form is printed. This statement is designed for printing calendars or thumbnails.
- printonerecord -- prints the the currently active record.
- printpdf -- prints the current database to a PDF file.
- printpreview -- previews what printing the current window will look like.
- printpreviewonerecord -- previews what printing the current record will look like.
- printtopdf -- prints the current database to a PDF file.
- printusingform -- allows the current database to be printed using a different form than the one currently being displayed.
- procedureinsertfieldname -- inserts a field name into a procedure, adding chevrons if necessary.
- procedureinsertformname -- inserts a form name into a procedure, adding quotes.
- procedureinsertprocedurename -- inserts a procedure name into a procedure, adding quotes if necessary.
- procedureinserttext -- inserts text into the current procedure.
- proceduresearch -- searches for text in a procedure.
- proceduresearchexact -- searches for text in a procedure.
- proceduresearchnext -- searches for text in a procedure, starting from the current location.
- proceduresearchnextexact -- searches for text in a procedure, starting from the current location.
- proceduresetselection -- changes the text selection in the current procedure editor window.
- progressalert -- displays a progress alert if an operation is going to take a long time.
- progressbar -- updates a progress bar on the current form.
- propagate -- fills all the empty cells in the current field. Each empty cell is filled with the value of the first non-empty cell above it.
- propagateup -- fills all the empty cells in the current field. Each empty cell is filled with the value of the first non-empty cell below it.
- provueserverisup -- checks whether is online and operating.
- python -- executes a Python script (program).
- quit -- quits Panorama.
- radian -- tells Panorama that all angles in trigonometric functions should be calculated using radians rather than degrees.
- recalculatefield -- recalculates all values in current field based on field's formula (selected records only).
- recompile -- recompiles all procedures in a database.
- recompiledatabase -- recompiles all of the procedures in a specified database.
- recompilelibraries -- recompiles all Panorama libraries.
- refreshcrosstabdatabase -- refreshes a crosstab database.
- refreshsummarydatabase -- refreshes a summary database.
- registercustomfunction -- defines a new custom function.
- rememberwindow -- remembers the currently active window, so that you can get back to it later.
- removeallsummaries -- removes all summary records.
- removedetail -- removes data records from the current database, leaving only summary records. It can also delete low level summary records, leaving only higher levels.
- removepreferencevalues -- deletes one or more preference values.
- removeremotehost -- makes a remote host unavailable to this computer.
- removeselected -- deletes all selected records from the database.
- removesummaries -- removes summary records from the current database.
- removeunselected -- deletes all unselected records from the database.
- renderwebform -- renders a Panorama web form into HTML, merging data into the template as necessary.
- renderwebtable -- renders a web table using records selected with WebSelect in the current database.
- reorderfieldsdialog -- opens the Reorder Fields dialog.
- repeatloopif -- decides whether to continue with a loop or to start over again from the top.
- resetallrecordidts -- resets the internal record id and time stamps for every record in the current database.
- resume -- resumes a procedure that has been temporarily halted with the pause statement.
- resumeaftertask -- resumes after a waitfortask statement.
- resumespeaking -- resumes speaking after a pause.
- resynchronize -- synchronizes the local database with Panorama Server. This is the same as choosing Synchronize from the File menu.
- retrywebform -- retries a web form that has missing or invalid data.
- return -- ends a subroutine.
- returnerror -- passes an error back to the current subroutines calling procedure.
- revealinfinder -- reveals a file or folder in the Finder.
- revealmultipleinfinder -- reveals one or more files or folders in the Finder.
- reverseorder -- reverses the order of the records in the database.
- revert -- reloads the last saved version of the database from the disk.
- right -- moves the cursor to the next field in the active window.
- ruby -- executes a Ruby script (program).
- rudemessage -- displays a message alert.
- runcustommenu -- runs the *.CustomMenu* procedure.
- rundialog -- uses a form as a template to display a modal dialog window. The statement supervises the operation of the dialog until it is closed.
- rundialogmenus -- enables custom menus in a modal dialog.
- runfieldcalculations -- performs any automatic calculations associated with the current field.
- runfieldcode -- runs the automatic code associated with the specified field.
- runfieldsideeffects -- performs any side effects associated with the current field (calculations, procedures, etc.).
- runmodifyfill -- runs the .ModifyFill procedure (if it exists).
- runningdifference -- calculates the running difference for the current field.
- runningtotal -- calculates the running total for the current field.
- safefileerase -- deletes a file if it exists, but no error if it doesn't exist.
- safeselect -- makes visible only those records for the active database for which the specified condition is true. If no records match, the previous selection is retained.
- safeselectwithin -- makes visible only those previously selected records in the active database for which the specified condition is true. If no records match, the previous selection is retained.
- save -- saves the database to disk.
- saveacopyas -- saves a copy of the currently active file under a new name. The original database remains open in memory under its original name.
- saveallprocedures -- saves all the procedures in the specified database into a dictionary.
- saveas -- saves a copy of the currently active file under a new name. The original file remains unchanged.
- saveblueprint -- save a blueprint of a database's structure.
- savedialog -- displays a modal dialog that allows a user to specify the name and location of a new file.
- savefiledialog -- pauses a procedure and displays the standard “save file” dialog.
- savelocalvariables -- saves local variables as a procedure.
- saveoneprocedure -- saves a specific procedure in the specified database into a dictionary.
- saveopenprocedures -- saves all the open procedures in the specified database into a dictionary.
- savepartialdatabase -- saves specified components of the current database, leaving other components out.
- savewebtemplate -- saves a web template (a dictionary) associated with a form.
- scanlibraries -- scans all libraries and registers all of the custom statements in them.
- scanlibrary -- scans a library and registers all of the custom statements in it.
- scrapcalc -- calculates a formula and stores the result in the clipboard. (Note: The same effect can be achieved by putting the word *clipboard* on the left side of an assignment.)
- scriptbglog -- specifies a path/file for output from STDOUT from embedded programs run in the background (Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP).
- scripttimeout -- sets the maximum runtime allowed for an embedded program (AppleScript, ShellScript, Perl, Ruby or Python).
- select -- makes visible only those records for the active database for which the specified condition is true.
- selectadditional -- adds unselected records to a previously selected group if they match the true-false test.
- selectall -- makes every record in the database visible.
- selectallobjects -- selects all the graphic objects in the current form.
- selectduplicates -- selects records containing duplicate information in the database.
- selectduplicatesdialog -- opens the standard Select Duplicates dialog.
- selectduplicatesnowarning -- selects records containing duplicate information in the database.
- selectedformobjectsblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the currently selected objects.
- selectnoobjects -- unselects all the graphic objects in the current form.
- selectobjects -- uses a formula to select one or more objects in the current form.
- selectrecordsrelatedto -- selects records in the current database that are related to any record in another database.
- selectrelated -- selects information that matches the current record in a related database.
- selectreverse -- makes every visible record invisible, and every invisible record visible.
- selectwithin -- uses a Boolean formula to exclude records from a previously selected group.
- selectzipdistancetool -- selects records near the current record, based on zip codes.
- sendaction -- sends an action message to the Cocoa responder chain.
- sendarrayemail -- sends a single e-mail to multiple recipients.
- sendbackward -- sends the selected form objects one layer towards the back.
- sendbulkemail -- sends a single e-mail to multiple recipients.
- sendemail -- sends an e-mail. It gives access to the maximum number of options available.
- sendoneemail -- sends a single e-mail to a single recipient.
- sendtoback -- sends the selected form objects to the back.
- sequence -- fills every visible cell in the current field with a numeric sequence.
- serverdatabaseconsoledump -- dumps the raw contents of the specified database on the server to the console in comma delimited format.
- serverformulafill -- fills a specified subset of records in a shared database.
- serverjournalcode -- writes code to journal file.
- serverjournalcurrentrecord -- writes the current record to journal file.
- serverlog -- adds a line to one or more server logs.
- serverupdate -- temporarily disables record locking and server updates when using a shared database.
- set -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the destination of the assignment can be calculated on the fly.
- setactivedatabase -- makes a database active (without changing the configuration of the windows).
- setappleeventvalue -- may be used in a procedure that responds to an AppleEvent (this includes AppleScript programs), the statement specifies the value to be returned by the event.
- setautonumber -- changes the automatically generated number for the next record that will be added to database. This allows you to generate numbers out of sequence, or to start the sequence at a specific value.
- setbannericon -- sets the icon on the right side of the toolbar banner.
- setbannermessage -- sets the text in the toolbar banner to an arbitrary message.
- setbannerprogressbar -- displays progress in the toolbar banner.
- setcookie -- set the value of a cookie to send back to the client..
- setdatabaseoptions -- modifies one or more properties of a database.
- setdialogtrigger -- changes the value returned by the info("dialogtrigger") function.
- setdictionaryvalue -- changes a value in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- seterror -- changes the error message returned by info("error").
- setfield -- performs an assignment, much like an equals sign or the assign statement. However, the destination field of the assignment can be calculated on the fly.
- setfieldnames -- changes the names of all database fields at once.
- setfieldproperties -- modifies one or more properties (name, data type, formula, etc.) of the current field.
- setfileglobal -- sets the value of a fileglobal variable (optionally in another database).
- setfilevariable -- sets the value of a fileglobal variable in another database.
- setformcustompreference -- sets the value of a form custom preference.
- setformoptions -- modifies one or more properties of a form (name, viewing mode, etc.).
- setglobal -- sets a value into a global variable. The name of the global variable is calculated on the fly.
- setglobaldictionaryvalues -- sets one or more key/value pairs in a global dictionary.
- sethiddenwebformitem -- adds a hidden field to a form on a web page.
- setlocal -- sets a value into a local variable. The name of the local variable is calculated on the fly.
- setlocalsfromdictionary -- converts a dictionary into a collection of local variables. The names and values of the local variables will be derived from the dictionary contents.
- setparameter -- is used to transfer data from a subroutine back to the main
procedure that called it.
- setpermanentvariable -- sets the value of a permanent variable in another database. The database must be open. An empty value will choose the currently active database.
- setpreferencevalues -- creates and/or modifies a preference value.
- setprocedureoptions -- modifies one or more properties of a procedure (source code, Action menu options, etc.).
- setproceduretext -- changes the text of the currently open procedure.
- setrectedges -- changes the edges of the specified rectangle.
- setreportcolumns -- allows a procedure to control the number of columns of a report, and the direction (across or down).
- settagdata -- changes the contents of a tag.
- settagparameter -- sets the value of a tag parameter in a list of tag parameters.
- settimechecklongtime -- sets the threshold for a slow task during a performance monitoring session.
- settrigger -- changes the value returned by the info("trigger") function.
- setwaitinglocal -- assigns a value to a local variable in the parent procedure of an asynchronous task, allowing the asynchronouse code to pass a value back to the code that spawned it.
- setwindow -- specifies the dimensions (size and location) of the next window that is opened (with openform, opensheet, openprocedure etc.).
- setwindowglobal -- sets the value of a windowglobal variable (optionally in another window).
- setwindowoptions -- changes the attributes of the current window (tool bar, scroll bars, etc.).
- setwindowrectangle -- specifies the dimensions of the next window that is opened by a procedure.
- setxtagvalue -- changes the contents of a tag.
- setzlog -- turns instrumentation coverage on or off for a specific procedure (or all procedures within a database).
- shellscript -- executes a UNIX shell script.
- shellscriptwithterminal -- runs a shell script in a new window (useful for debugging).
- shortcall -- allows a procedure to call a sequence of statements within the current procedure as a "mini-subroutine".
- show -- resumes the output of text and graphics after it has been disabled and then forces Panorama to redisplay all windows in the current database.
- showaccessorypanel -- opens the current window's accessory panel.
- showallfields -- makes every field in the data sheet visible.
- showcolumns -- forces Panorama to display specified fields.
- showfields -- forces Panorama to display specified fields.
- showfieldsbetween -- hides all fields except those in between specified numbers.
- showhidefieldsdialog -- opens the standard Show/Hide Fields dialog (in the Fields menu).
- showlater -- defers the display of text and graphics until the procedure is finished.
- showline -- forces Panorama to redisplay the current record in all windows in the current database.
- showother -- forces Panorama to update some data on the screen.
- showpage -- forces Panorama to redisplay all windows in the current database.
- showrecordcounter -- forces Panorama to redisplay the record counter in all windows in the current database.
- showrectangle -- refreshes all or part of the current form window.
- showthesefields -- makes specific fields in the data sheet visible, hiding all others.
- showvariables -- forces Panorama to update the display of one or more variables on every form in the active database.
- showwindowvariables -- forces Panorama to update the display of one or more variables in the currently active form.
- size -- changes the data sheet text size.
- slidedata -- slides the columns at and to the right of the current column.
- sortdialog -- opens the standard *Sort* dialog.
- sortdown -- sorts the database by the current field. The database is sorted in descending order (high to low).
- sortdownwithin -- sorts the database by the current field, leaving any previous sorts intact. The database is sorted in descending order (high to low).
- sortup -- sorts the database by the current field. The database is sorted in ascending order (low to high).
- sortupwithin -- sorts the database by the current field, leaving any previous sorts intact. The database is sorted in ascending order (low to high).
- speak -- speaks a word or phrase.
- speakaddress -- buffers up a street address to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakcharacters -- buffers up one or more characters to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakcharactersslowly -- buffers up one or more characters to be spoken later by the speaknow statement. Instead of speaking words, each individual character is spoken separately and slowly.
- speakdate -- buffers up a date to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakdigitpairs -- buffers up one or more digit pairs to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakdigits -- buffers up one or more digits to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakdollars -- buffers up a dollar amount to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakdollarsandcents -- buffers up a dollar and cents amount to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakletters -- buffers up one or more characters to be spoken later by the speaknow statement. Letters will be spoken individually, as upper or lower case. Numbers will be spoken as individual digits.
- speaknow -- speaks any buffered speech.
- speakphonenumber -- buffers up a phone number to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakscript -- speaks a speech synthesis script created in the Database Options dialog.
- speakstate -- buffers up a US State to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speakthisrecord -- speaks the current record in the database (using the default speech script).
- speakwords -- buffers up one or more words to be spoken later by the speaknow statement.
- speechrate -- changes the speech rate (words per minute).
- speechscripts -- returns a lists of speech scripts in a database.
- speechvoice -- changes the default speech voice.
- speechvolume -- changes the default speech volume.
- speedcopy -- copies multiple adjacent fields from a record in one database to a record in another.
- splitfielddialog -- opens the standard *Split Field* dialog.
- splitlines -- takes a chunk of text and splits it into two or more smaller chunks.
- splitmenutrigger -- splits info("trigger") into separate menu name and menu item variables.
- startbonjour -- starts monitoring the local network for available hosts.
- startdatabasechange -- adds undo support to a procedure.
- startfilesystemmonitor -- sets up and starts a repeating task that will be performed whenever a file and/or folder is modified.
- startgraphicschange -- adds undo support to a procedure.
- startnewdatabasegeneration -- starts a new generation of the current database to the server (must be a shared database).
- startstoprecorder -- starts or stops recording into the current procedure.
- starttimecheck -- starts a performance monitoring session.
- starttimer -- sets up and starts a repeating task that will be performed periodically when Panorama is not otherwise busy.
- startupdatecheck -- starts background check for available Panorama update.
- stashwebformitems -- takes the variables created with the GrabWebFormItems statement and assigns them to fields in the current record.
- statusmessage -- displays a message in the status bar at the bottom of the procedure window.
- stdout -- sends one or more characters to standard output.
- stop -- stops all running procedures immediately.
- stopalert -- displays a modal alert window with a warning icon, a message and one or more buttons.
- stopbonjour -- cancels monitoring of the local network for available hosts.
- stopfilesystemmonitor -- stops a repeating task that has been set up to be performed whenever a file and/or folder is modified.
- stoploopif -- decides whether to continue with a loop or to exit the loop immediately.
- stopposixtask -- stops a POSIX shell script that is running in the background.
- stopspeaking -- stops any talking that is currently happening.
- stoptimer -- stops and deletes a timer that was set up with the StartTimer statement.
- stringreverse -- reverses the characters in a string of text. The original text is replaced *in situ*.
- summarydatabaseselectoriginal -- selects original data corresponding to a cell in an exported summary table database.
- summarylevel -- changes the summary level of the current line.
- summaryselectoriginalformula -- returns the formula that will select the original data associated with a summary table row.
- summarytablepopup -- handles a click on a summary table text list.
- superalert -- will display a custom alert.
- superarraybuild -- scans a database to create a text array. This statement is is similar to arraybuild, but with a number of additional options (see Text Arrays).
- superchoicedialog -- will display a dialog with a list of choices that can be selected.
You can control the size of the alert, as well as several appearance options.
If the alert has more than one button, info("dialogtrigger") will contain the name of the button that was pressed.
- supergetpassword -- will display a dialog with a text entry area for a password.
- supergettext -- will display a dialog with a text entry area.
- synchronize -- synchronizes the local database with Panorama Server. This is the same as choosing *Synchronize* from the *File* menu.
- synchronizeall -- synchronizes all open databases.
- tallmessage -- displays a message alert.
- textlisttableoptions -- sets up text list table options
- throwerror -- causes an immediate error.
- timecheck -- identifies an intermediate point in a performance monitoring session.
- timelimit -- specifies the maximum time a procedure can continue to run after this statement.
- toggleaccessorypanel -- opens and closes the current window's accessory panel.
- topdatawindow -- brings the topmost data window in the specified database to the front.
- total -- calculates totals and subtotals for the current field.
- try -- works with catch and endcatch to trap errors in a sequence of statements.
- tweakobject -- tweaks the dimensions of an object (or multiple objects).
- uncompress -- uncompresses a `.zip`, `.tar.gz` or `.tar.bz2` file into a file or an entire folder.
- undefine -- destroys one or more variables.
- undefinefileglobal -- destroys one or more fileglobal variables.
- undefineglobal -- destroys one or more global variables.
- undefineservervariable -- destroys a server variable.
- undefinewindowglobal -- destroys one or more windowglobal variables.
- unlockrecord -- unlocks the currently active record.
- unpermanent -- converts one or more permanent variables into regular fileglobal variables. The variables will no longer be saved as part of the database.
- unpropagate -- removes repeating data from the currently selected field. If several records in a row contain the same data, this statement erases all but the first (top) value.
- unpropagateup -- removes repeating data from the currently selected field. If several records in a row contain the same data, this statement erases all but the last (bottom) value.
- until -- is used at the end of a loop, and can control how many times the loop is executed.
- updateballoonlocations -- does nothing.
- uploaddatatoserver -- uploads binary data to the server.
- uploadfiletoserver -- uploads a file or folder to a Panorama server.
- uploadnewdatabasegeneration -- uploads a new generation of the current database to the server (must be a shared database).
- uploadrecord -- uploads the current record to the server, even if it was not locked (for emergency use only).
- uprecord -- moves the cursor up one visible record.
- urltaskcancel -- aborts a download initiated with the urltask( function.
- urltaskstatus -- enables connection error checking in urltask( completion code.
- usebashprofile -- grabs the search path from the `.Bash_profile` file in the user's home folder, so that these paths will be used by scripting languages (*Ruby, Python*, etc.).
- usecallerslocalvariables -- temporarily swaps out a subroutine's current local variables with the local variables of the procedure that called this subroutine. The statement can be used only in a subroutine, not in a calling procedure.
- usefunctioncallerslocalvariables -- temporarily swaps out a procedures current local variables with the local variables of the procedure that called this the call(, callwithin( or execute( function.
- usemylocalvariables -- reverses the action of the UseCallersLocalVariables statement, switching back to the current procedure's normal local variables.
- utf8tomac -- translates text from UTF8 (Unicode) to Panorama format.
- wait -- pauses the program for a specified period of time.
- waitfortask -- temporarily pauses a procedure until the specified task is complete.
- webdatabaseadminpage -- generates a web admin HTML page for the current database.
- webdatabasetoform -- fills in an HTML form with database field values.
- webfontsubstitutes -- generates an array of standard font substitutions for web browsers.
- webformitem -- sets a field or variable with the value of a POST web form item (used when processing a web query with Panorama Server).
- webformitembang -- sets the text generated by the webformitembang( function.
- webformitemcheck -- uses a formula to check the validity of a web form item.
- webformitemnames -- returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server as a carriage return separated list.
- webformmerge -- fills in an HTML form with database values (fields and variables).
- webformrecordid -- adds a RECORD_ID hidden field to the HTML of a web form.
- webformselection -- selects data based on input from a web form. The web form must have fields that match the database fields.
- webformtodatabase -- updates the current database with information from the web form that was just submitted.
- webmerge -- merges an external HTML template file with fields and variables from the current record.
- webselect -- select data on web server using a formula.
- webserverinfo -- retrieves additional information about the web server and the current browser request.
- webshare -- perform record locking operations from a web publishing procedure.
- webthisrecordkey -- makes a key for use with the WebURLSelect statement to specify the current record.
- weburlfind -- finds a record based on keys in a URL.
- weburlselect -- selects one or more records based on keys in a URL.
- while -- is used at the end of a loop, and can control how many times the loop is executed.
- window -- brings a Panorama window to the front. It can also open a "secret" invisible window.
- windowbox -- specifies the dimensions (size and location) of the next window that is opened (with openform, opensheet, openprocedure etc.).
- windowcornerinitialize -- shifts a window to an edge or corner of the main screen.
- windowglobal -- creates one or more windowglobal variables.
- windowmenubar -- creates a custom menu bar or context menu for the current window (see Custom Menus).
- windowname -- changes the name of the current window.
- windowtoback -- sends a Panorama window to the back, behind all other windows (including non-Panorama windows).
- windowtocorner -- shifts a window to an edge or corner of the main screen.
- writedialogcode -- scans the current form, and writes the procedure needed to handle this form as a dialog.
- writepreference -- modifies a preference value.
- xcallbackurl -- performs an action in another application using the x-callback-url mechanism.
- yesno -- displays a modal alert window with a message and two buttons: *Yes* and *No*.
- zipcompress -- compresses a file or an entire folder into a zip file (using ditto shell tool).
- zipinfo -- queries the web to obtain information about a zip code.
- zipinfoplus -- queries the web to obtain information about a zip code.
- zipuncompress -- uncompresses a file or an entire folder from a zip file (using ditto shell tool).
- zlog -- outputs a message to the instrumentation log (if instrumentation is enabled).
- zlogalways -- unconditionally outputs a message to the instrumentation log.
- zlogcoverage -- allows instrumentation coverage to be turned on or off within a procedure.
- zlogdictionary -- outputs a data dictionary to the instrumentation log (if instrumentation is enabled).
- zoomalign -- moves the current window to one of 9 positions on the computer's primary screen: *top left, top center, top right*, etc.
- zoomwindow -- moves (*"zooms"*) the current window to a new position and size.
- zoomwindowrectangle -- modifies the size, location, and options of the current window.
10.0 | New | New in this version. |